12. Isn't she your crown?

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Melikşah's POV


"Who is he? The one whom you love.."
I asked looking at her.

"How does it matter, Sultanım?"

And she left saying this.

She didn't want to share with me. She didn't tell me who he was. Why was I bothering so much? Bana ne .. let her not tell. Why would I care about her love life?

Minutes later,
I was outdoors of the palace. A man approached me.

"Selâmün Aleyküm Sultanım!"

"Aleyküm selam" I replied.

"Sultanım, young girls of our state are interested in archery and want to serve to the state. We all know that Elçin hatun is a good archer. If you permit, can she teach our girls? There is probably none like her in the dynasty. And since she has returned here, we found this as the best opportunity."

"Indeed, she is a very good archer. You can bring the girls here near to the palace. She 'll teach here. My soldiers can drop them safely. But, I'll have to ask Elçin hatun if she wills to teach. I'm sure she'll want to."

"Tamam, Sultanım."

I asked one of the soldiers to call Elçin hatun.

Few minutes later,
"Neoldu Sultanım?" She asked.

"Elçin hatun, young girls of our state want to learn archery. And they found you as the most suitable for tutoring them. Do you want to?"

"Obviously, why not. It would be a great pleasure to teach them. I've absolutely no problem."

She smiled at me.

"Elçin hatun, Safiye hatun has called you."
A soldier shouted

"Tamam, geliyorum."

"Sultanım, I'm ready whenever they wish to join."

"Tamam, Elçin hatun! I'll discuss and let you know."

She smiled and left.

Elçin's POV

"Neoldu, Safiye hatun?"

"Elçin hatun, Terken Hatun's condition is becoming worse.
She's repeating your name. Please, go and check on her, she might calm down then."

I immediately rushed to her room.
Her condition was really worse, face was sweaty and whole body was quivering on the bed.

"Terken hatun!" I sat beside her and placed my hand over hers.

Mahmelek stood right beside me.

"Terken hatun, what is this? Why are you tiring yourself? Do you want something from me?"
I asked her pitying on her condition.

"Elçin, I told everything to Mahmelek. Everything! I couldn't keep it any longer in my heart. I deceived my husband, and everyone. Always chased power.
I have something to ask from you.
I don't have much time. Lütfen, take care of my Mahmelek when I leave. You're the only one whom I can trust completely."

She breathed heavily as she spoke.

Tears dropped down my eyes.

"Terken hatun, you'll recover. Ama, it's my promise 'll always look after Mahmelek.

I wiped off the sweat from her forehead with a piece of cloth.
Caressing her cheek with my hand, I further added,
"You should rest now. Don't tire yourself. And if you need my help, I'm always here."

I got up, hugged Mahmelek and consoled her.
"Canım, Ben her zaman burdayim. Don't cry. She'll recover soon."

And wiped the tears off her face.

While I was leaving the room, I turned towards Terken hatun. She smiled very genuinely at me.

I left her room and went towards mine, I saw him standing alone in his room so went near him.


He turned towards me.

"Sultanım, Terken Hatun's condition was quite worse today. She's probably overthinking and stressing herself. I think you should see her."

"Hmm..Tamam." he replied and turned his face to the opposite side.

Unsatisfied by his normal reply, I further added,
"She needs consolation. Your consolation might make her feel much better."

"Tamam Elçin hatun. Later-"
He didn't turn towards me but replied facing the opposite side.

"Later? Why later? Her condition was really worse. Perhaps if you sit beside her for a few minutes, she might get a hope. But you don't have time. Why are you men so heartless? Isn't she your crown, your wife?"

He didn't answer my words.

Disappointed with his response,

I was about to turn towards the door in order to leave.



Efendım? - Sorry? (As used here)

Selâmün Aleyküm- Peace be upon you

Canım, Ben her zaman burdayim-  dear, I'm always here

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