16. Git me!

143 12 1

   Elçin's POV

A sense of fear grew in me as I read that.
"Nasıl? Mehmet Bey wrote something quite short, but this is long. Who can write this? Moreover my room was locked. How could anyone get in and place it inside the book? Is it..." I thought to myself.

My doubt clock was ticking on a person, but I was confused.

"I'll get my doubts clear from Mehmet bey tomorrow." I murmured to myself.

I kept the book inside the drawer and peeked outside my room. What I saw was the silhouette of a person almost at the other end of the hall.
I took a little knife for defence and moved towards it.

As I approached, the door of a room was slightly open. I entered to find him.

I sighed in relief.


"Haven't you slept yet? What are you doing here, Elçin?"

"I was about to sleep when I saw your silhouette and got suspicious."

"I wasn't sleepy at all. Moreover, after the news. So just came here to look after some of our ancient records and materials."

"Sen de bak." He called me to join him.

Seconds later, the door shut on its own. It seemed as if someone had shut it.

"Who's there?" I shouted.

"Please open the door!"
I banged two- three times on the door. But probably there weren't any guards too.

It was almost dark in the room, just one candle.

He began to breathe heavily.

"Elçin, lütfen, do something and open the door." He had almost lost his voice.

I rushed towards him and placed both my palms over his cheeks.
"Tamam Sultanım, sakın ol! I'm here."

"Elçin, this darkness is eating me."
He cried.

I placed his head over my shoulder and caressed the way I did it the last time.

And with the other hand of mine, I held his very tightly out of reassurance.

"Neoldu Sultanım? Tell me what happens to you? Why do you panic.."

"Elçin, why did they do this to me? I loved them." His voice cracked and drops of tears rolled down his eyes and on my shoulder.

"W-what? Who? What are you talking about, Sultanım?"

"First Başulu left me. And now, Terken betrayed. I loved her, but why didn't she value my love. Why?"

I had no words. He had learnt that Terken hatun poisoned them. He had learnt everything. I wasn't aware how, but he had learnt. Probably the day when he first had a panic attack.

I turned his face towards mine and assured,
"Sultanım, don't torment yourself. I'm here! I'll open this door somehow."

I again called the guards but none heard.

With maximum pressure, I banged the door with my arm three- four times, and even kicked it.
After a few kicks, it banged open and one side of the double door fell.

I helped him to his room and gave a glass of water and also unveiled the curtains a little for fresh air to pass in.

He laid his head on the pillow to rest and I sat beside him on the bed.
His constant stare made me a little nervous.

"If you need anything, you can call me, Sultanım."

He smiled a little.

I got up to leave. Meanwhile, he held my wrist with his warm hand.

"Git me. Nolur!"
He mumbled.

"Please don't go. Sit beside me for a little while."

I nodded and sat beside him placing my hand over his.

A few minutes later, he fell asleep while I kept staring at his face which had turned nearly pale.

I slept on the sofa a little while later so that if he experiences such an attack again, I should be there to help him.

I slept and the night passed peacefully.

The next morning, girls had arrived to learn archery.
We were on the ground and I had begun my archery classes.
Suddenly, the thought of meeting Mehmet bey striked my mind.
As I was busy in the classes, I couldn't leave it halfway. So I asked one of the soldiers to ask him to come to the palace whenever he would be free.

Around half an hour later, the soldier came.

"Elçin hatun, Mehmet bey is not in Isfahan. He has left."



Nasıl? - how?

Sakın ol- Calm down

Sen de bak - You look at it too

Git me - Don't go

Nolur- Please

Ne? - What?

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