29. Markus is ...

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    Elçin's POV

Minutes later, Burçak came to me with something in her hand.

"Hanımım, we've spent a lot of beautiful moments together. I can't record each of them but this is a small gift for you. Keep this as a memento of love."

It was a small box. I asked her,
"What is it?"

"You may open it later."

"Burçak, why don't you come with me? You're the one whom I've been very close to. How 'll I-"

"Hanımım, I'm always with you. And I'll come to meet you."

Her eyes filled with tears and she hugged me. I didn't want to bid a farewell to her.

"Take care of yourself, Burçak."
I told placing my hand over her cheek.

Minutes later, ağabey too came to me.
A tear rolled down my eye as he called my name.

"Neoldu canım? Niye ağliyorsun?"

"Bilmiyorum ağabey."

He sighed.

"Anladım. Bak, Elçin, I know that you're upset that you're leaving us. Ama canım, Anatolia's doors will always be open for you. You'll leave but 'll always be remembered as the brave Elçin hatun. And whenever you want, you can come here. I just want you to take care of yourself and stay with dignity no matter what happens.
Don't ever force things on yourself. I just want my little sister to be happy. That's it.
Moreover, I'll be coming to Isfahan in a few days for some work."

Saying this he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"One more thing. Don't change for anyone. Stay as you are, Süleyman Şah's brave daughter, Elçin."

I smiled and nodded at him.

We left the yurt and a little later he came.

"Neoldu?" Ağabey asked him.

He gave a long sigh and replied,

"Markus is dead."

I was startled.

"Nasıl? Anlamiyorum ben."
I further asked surprisedly.

"A little while ago, one of our soldiers came running to me and told that they've found Markus' body in the forest. I followed them and I found his body. He was hit on his head with an arrow and his face is totally-"

He sighed.

"Ama who must've done this? And how did you recognise him?" Ağabey asked.

"His face was quite recognisable when I reached there also apart from that the mark on his neck. And I think it 'll be better if I ponder more into this matter after arrival in Isfahan."

"But I still don't believe it. C-can I see his face for once?"
I asked as I couldn't believe what my ears heard.

"Elçin, we buried him."

I stood silent.

He further spoke,
"Kılıç, you 'll not address your people about this now. You may tell them after a few days."

Ağabey nodded at his words.

While I stood silent as I wanted to see his face for my satisfaction but at the same time disappointed, not by his death, but sudden death.

We were about to leave and I addressed my people.

"As you all know that I'm leaving today, but the memories of my own land, my own people 'll stay with me forever. Hereafter, ağabey 'll rule and I know that he'll turn out to be much better than me and anyone else."

"Elçin hatun, we weren't very loyal to you. Forgive us for our mistakes and we hope that you'll return once to meet us."
A lady among the crowd told.

"I've no complains. This place and you all 've given me much to cherish. I've been raised here and I consider each one of you as my own. InşaAllah I'll come to meet you all again."

By then, a voice erupted.

"Elçin hatun 'll not go anywhere."


Niye ağliyorsun - Why are you crying?

Bilmiyorum - I don't know

Anladım - I understood

Anlamiyorum ben - I don't understand

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