34. I'm quite afraid

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   Elçin's POV

A day later,

I woke up and left my yurt heading towards the forests. I wanted to take a look at the things that were happening. A while later, one of our Anatolian soldiers, Yamaç, came to me.
He first stood silent for a few minutes as if hesitant to speak.

"Neoldu Yamaç?" I asked.

"Elçin hatun, there's something running in my mind and I want to talk about it." He replied with a worried face.


"Lately, there've been many incidents. Now, you'll even get married and leave-"

"Marr- who told you?"

"Almost everyone knows about it, Elçin hatun. But, my main concern is about our safety. Perhaps, it's lack of trust but I really fear. Elçin hatun, I know that some of them were unhappy with you, but a part of your tribe, including me, trust you entirely..."

"What happened Yamaç? Tell me clearly."

"Elçin hatun, all I want to ask is will our safety be  guaranteed? What if Markus attacks again and Kılıç bey doesn't take proper actions?"

" Markus is..." I was about to complete the sentence but got reminded of Sultanim's words that ağabey would address the people about Markus' death.

"Siz merak etme, nothing will go wrong."

" Elçin hatun, you'll leave and what if behind you things change terribly here?"

"I promise! If anything happens, I'll return here to look after. I just can't convince you all saying that I trust my brother, but atleast, trust me. Elçin will never turn her face from her lands."

" Inşallah Elçin hatun.. I hope the best for you and for us."


He left a while later. I walked around the forests and then planned to return back to my yurt.

A small red carpet was laid, few cushions and flowers kept outside my yurt. I gave a confused look and few ladies standing there smiled at me.

Safiye hatun approached me with a bright smile on her face. I didn't ask her anything but just stood silently. Deep inside, I knew what they were preparing for, but I couldn't think much.

She placed her hand on my cheek and told,

"Elçin, we've decided. Day after tomorrow, is your wedding. I hope you don't have an issue. Preparations are very few and almost done.
Tonight is your Kına gecesi..."

"Ama Safiye hatun, this-this wasn't needed."

"Kızım, we came all the way from Isfahan not to hear this." She chuckled

"Hadi, freshen yourself up and I'll ask someone to leave the outfit in your room." She further added.

Saying this she left and I moved towards my yurt.

A while later,

"Hanımım, may I come in?"

"Gel, Burçak."

She came with something in her hand which was probably the outfit that Safiye hatun was talking about.

She came with something in her hand which was probably the outfit that Safiye hatun was talking about

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She came further and placed it on the end table.
"Hanımım, this is for the evening."

I held it in my hand and admired it's beauty. It was a beautiful golden silk outfit with fine red embroidery over the neckline.

"Bu çok güzel..."

"Isn't it?" She smiled broadly.

I nodded.
"How did you all prepare all this? I mean how quick.."

"Nothing much, hanımım. Safiye hatun had already kept the outfits ready. We just had to manage for the food and so. Anatolian ladies are very energetic." She chuckled.

"Burçak, I'm quite afraid..."

"Afraid? Of what?"

"A part of me is contented, but the other part still lies in fear. What if I'm wrong or what if I go wrong? I know this isn't the first time I'm going to Isfahan but this time I'll have to learn to take up several responsibilites."

"Hanımım, I can understand what bothers you. But don't let your fear overshadow your pure intentions. Everything takes time to settle and nobody is perfect. Even if you go wrong, I know you're wise enough to correct your mistakes."

"The things that 've happened in the past-"

"Whatever has happened in the past, let it remain there. This is a new beginning, not just for you, but for him and everyone else. Until now, you were just his wife, but now, a companion."

She told holding my hands.
I hugged her tight,
"Burçak, you understand me more than anyone. Your words always soothe my disturbed heart."

"Tamam, now you rest a bit if you want and I'll come later..."

Saying this, she'd almost left the yurt and then turned back and told,

"One more thing,
The best hearts are those that don't carry any sort of avarice. "


Neoldu Yamaç? - What happened Yamaç?

Söyle - tell

Siz merak etme - you don't worry

Gel - come

Bu çok güzel- It's so beautiful

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