Sweet Blasphemy

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Another night with the most beautiful girl iv'e ever met! Sense we weren't drinking tonight, I'd really get to know Celeste while shes sober and in her own element. JJ and Jake were getting along dandy, There really cute together! I'm kinda showing off my gaming skills to Celeste. She's snuggling up to me. Her head resting on my shoulder and her arms wrapped around my forearm. I was in heaven! After a while I asked her if she wanted to play, She kicks ass! I showed her a few new moves, She looked really happy. Come to think of it, She has the brightest smile. I guess it just takes something or someone to bring it out. 

CeCe POV!!

Christian is a true gamer boy! He's got skills. While I was resting my head on his shoulder i could feel his muscles flex while he was playing. Its around half pass nine , I texted JJ asking if she would be okay if Jake and Christian could stay over, She replied yes than shot me a smile. So I asked Christian if he wanted to stay over and JJ asked Jake. This was gonna be a good night. I made some hot tea and we got a spurt of energy. We played rock band. JJ and Jake played guitar, Christian played drums and i did vocals. Who could have guessed? We did pretty good. After a while Christian showed me how to do the drums. His hands covered mine and he helped me get the rhythm. He's really good at this! After a while i got a call from Jinxx. 


"Hey it's Jinxx"

"Whats up?"

"Ehh nothing, Just checking up on you"

At this point i left the room.

"Ooh. For why?"

"Well Andy seemed worried. When are they coming home?"

"They planned on staying the night."

"Really? Have you guys been drinking or something?"


"Okay than. Stay safe. Sweet Dreams."

"Good Night"

That was weird. When i re-entered the room Christian opened his arms and i slid into them. JJ was playing Minecraft so we had some tome to talk. He asked about my parents, siblings, my teen years and other things. All these topics were hard to talk about, But i felt like i could tell him everything. So i did. I even told him about my emotional problems when i was younger.

That took a while, But in that moment i didn't care about the time. I was almost in tears from bringing up repressed memories. Christian's eyes were glossy like he was about ready to cry when he just held me tighter than he previously was. Just held me. And than we both remembered that JJ and Jake were on the couch. They were playing Zombies so they didn't even notice. After that we just stayed like that until JJ announced it was eleven flat. I was extremely tired so i got up and went to the kitchen to make some tea. I put some water in the kettle than went in the bathroom to wash my face. It was stained with tears. I returned to the kitchen and Jake walked in.

"Hey CeCe"


"So you and CC huh?"

'Hah, I guess"

"He talks about you a lot. When Andy's not around."

Im Oviusly blushing

"Well we have a whole tour together so i really don't want to make things awkward with Andy."

"Relax, As long as your happy he'll understand."

Than he left the room. I stood there dumbstruck for a moment. Than i remembered what i was doing. I had to reheat my tea because it got cold while talking to Jake. After that was done i went and sat back down with Christian. JJ was done playing Minecraft so we needed something to do. We decided to all go in my room and play my keyboard and things. I also had a drum kit. It was a gag gift from JJ for "When CC comes and visits". Thank god my room is sound proof. After he did his thing. Than he patted his lap, motioning for me to sit on it. He put the sticks in my hands. He covered my hands in his and he moved my arms along with his own. He was so strong. He plated me "Sweet Blasphemy". He remembered me telling him how much i like that song. 

"Im going to teach you how to play by the end of tour."


"No the piccolo. Yes drums"


"Yeah. You could be awesome!"

And there we go. More Christian time for me. SCORE! After that it was around 1am, We went back into the living-room and watched Adventure Time. Jake and Christian never herd of it. JJ and I were singing the theme song and everything. They liked it. There still children at heart. When we were done with that it was 3am. JJ and Jake crashed on the couch and Christian and i slipped into my room.

We layed there. I plugged in my iPod and put it on shuffle. And evreytime a BVB song came on, I felt the drum pattern on my back. I giggled:

"What's so funny?"

"Well every time one of your songs come on your all like"

And i patted on his chest a nonsense beat.

"Im sorry do you want me to stop?" 

"No. I love it."

I buried my face into his chest and than he continued to do his thing. II could get used to this.

Fallen Angels:A Christian Coma love storyWhere stories live. Discover now