Children Surrender

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When we reappeared on the tour bus i went over to Christian and straddled his lap. He asks in a slur:

"Whats the special occasion?"

"Welp im just chilllin here!!"

"Then keep chillin little lady"

I proceeded to rest my head on his shoulder and kiss his neck. I guess i fell asleep there. I herd stories of how Alan continued to prowl about and hooked up with Delany. She was thrilled.

I woke up in a bunk. I guess Christian carried me in there with him. I started hyperventilating, kicked him out of the bunk and ran out side for some air. He was recuperating from his rude awakening, i was just at the beginning. I started wheezing, vomiting and crying all at once all in front of the bus. I heard Austin coming from behind me. he ran out of the bus.

"What happened?!"

"Bunk. Tight. Space. No. Air" the words were broken.

"Shit, he was so drunk."

"He must have forgot" they were just airy this time

"Lets get you cleaned up sweetie"

He gave me a hug and walked me back to our bus to shower. Tino let me borrow some clothes. Ill have to give these back to Austin when we get sushi. Christian caught me on the way out of the shower with a tear stained face.

"Im so sorry Celeste. I was so drunk i for got you were-"

I kissed him to shut him up.

"Its okay baby. It was a drunken mistake. I love you"

"I love you to"


After everyone got up, we had to say our goodbyes. I hugged all the OMAM guys and the strays, Kellin Quinn, Ronnie Radke, almost all of the PTV guys Josh Franceschi and Oliver Sykes. It was a very eventful night and i met so many bands that i was to scared to talk to last year! I just couldn't gather the courage to. We were the newbies last year. Now they all cant wait to see us again!!! 

All in all it was a fantastic night! I cant wait till i see Austin. We have to catch up on so much stuff. I still have to tell Christian. 

We were on our way home. We piled into the bus. I was driving since i was not hung over to bad. We went back to JJ and my apartment. The guys napped it out. I went into my bedroom and opened my mini fridge with a little freezer section with my cigarettes in it to get a smoke. I found a bunch of alcohol in here. All of my favorites actually. Christian must have gotten it for me. What a sweetie. I pulled out a Newport and lit the end. JJ walked in and took one from my pack.

"Whats up niggz?"

"Ehh, not feeling to good. Alcohol and weed don't mix very well"

"Gotcha babe. What'd you and Jake do last night?" I nudged her arm

"We got a little frisky, it was awesome!!"

"Nice. Christian and i almost made love last night. I just don't think im just ready yet"

"It'll happen big C. So when you guys have 'sleep overs' does he sleep naked?"

"No, haha, he sleeps in his jeans and no shirt and i wear sweats and a tank"

"Woah! CeCe always sleeps pant less!!"

"Yah, but CeCe has to be classy!! Oh my Satan he walked in on me changing yesterday before Warped!!"

"Oh gosh for realzies??"

"Yeah he got all embarrassed and it was adore able!" i started blushing

"Lemme guess you cracked a joke?"

"Of course. You know me girlie!!"

"All to well. All to well. Taco Bell?"

"Hell to the yes!! Lets blow this Popsicle stand!!"

Well we 'blew that Popsicle stand! We left cuz everyone was asleep. We left a note that told them where we were and if they woke up to call us to get them food. We sat in and ate. Andy, Del, Jake and CC called. They wanted so much food!! We felt like fatties ordering!! Showing up to Taco Bell at 3 in the afternoon in our jammies is pretty normal for us. We came home and every one was asleep but the people who called. Thank Satan! JJ and i havent had any girl time in a while. I think i might ask her out on a double date tonight. I havent spent any time with Jake or her with Christian. Were gonna do what we do. Question the shit out of them and scare them shitless!!!

We opened the door with all of the Taco bell. I see Christian and bring our food over and sit on his lap and eat with him. Every one was mad when they woke up. We said you should have gotten up then ass holes!! And they complained that we didnt get sauce, so showed them our Taco Bell drawer full of all the sauces we've accumulated over the last year. That shut them up. I finally kissed Christian with Mexican breath. Ill talk to him about the double date later, and about me going and getting sushi with Austin. He trusts me right?

Fallen Angels:A Christian Coma love storyWhere stories live. Discover now