Beautiful Remains

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CeCe POV!!

Its been a week sense me and Andy's accidental kiss. I haven't heard from anyone, So I gave Jinxx a ring:


"Uh Hi Jinxx. It;'s CeCe."

"Hey you! Hows it going?"

"Well i'm kinda in a situation.."

"Whats wrong darlin'?"

"You know how Andy came over and helped me write that song last week?"

"Yeah, What about it?"

"Well umm. We accidentally kissed.."


"Yeah, Do you think we could hang out or something? Because.."

"Say no more. I'll be over in an hour."

There we have it. Jinxx is coming over to help me figure out what the hell is going on. The house was still clean because Marci and Del haven't been over. I just pulled my hair back and put on a bit of makeup. Nothing fancy. He knocked on the door. I answered. He gave me a huge hug. God knows i needed it. JJ was still sleeping. It was only 11am. We sat in my living room. I made some coffee and we had a chat:

"How did it happen?"

"Well we were singing the lyrics, accompanied by keyboard, Into my microphones. My microphones were both positioned above my keyboard. We were singing and we looked over at the same time, than it  just happened."

"He's like a foot taller than you. How did it happen?"

"We were sitting down. I have great posture compared to his slouchieness."

"Wow CeCe. What are you gong to do?"

"I don't know. But please don't tell the others. Also don't tell Andy i told you."

"Cross my heart."

 After our little heart to heart JJ woke up.


"Hey JJ, Umm we were about to leave. Wanna come with?"

"Sure. Gimme 45 minutes."

Than Jinxx asked me quietly "We were?"

"Yup. I'm gonna go actually do something with my face. You can play Xbox or something."

And that he did. He's awesome at Halo! JJ and I got ready. Than we went to the hotel.

"Lookie what i brought!!!"

"CeCe and JJ!!!" CC said.

All the guys gave us hugs like they haven't seen is In 3 years. But Andy's and CC's were extra tight!

"So what are we doing today?" Asked Jinxx

"I was hoping we could just chill out tonight!"

"Just the 7 of us?" Asked CC.

"No. Hey ash, Do you mind calling Marci? And Andy can you invite Del?"

Ashley said "No problem"

Andy just said "Sure."

Gah, Tonight's gonna be awkward.


Does everyone see where Celeste and Jinxx's relationship is going? I'm trying to make him her "Father Figure" I wanted to give him some sort of relationship, But he's married. I hope you guys like it soo far!!

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