The Legacy

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After the bands got acquainted, It was time to leave. It was around 12pm when we left. Before we left, CC gave me his cell phone number. I was so happy. And JJ got Jake's. We all know each others band crushed. Mine is CC, JJ's is Jake, Marcelline's is Ashley and Delaney's is Andy. Poor Jinxx. But he's got Sammi! 

Before we left the guys told us to be ready around 7 because they wanted to see us again.

So we all piled back into our van. Marcelline driving. We were all screaming over each other about how we are gonna be touring with BVB and how we were just breathing the same air as them. We were just being our fangirling selves. Yet it still didn't occur to us that we are gonna be on the same tour bus as them as well!

By the time we left the parking lot, our voices were raw from screaming. We went to the mall to buy outfits for tonight. 

"Hey JJ"


"So you and Jake yeah?" 

"Ooh shut the fuck up! You and CC were totally hitting it off!"

"I got his number" 

"I got Jake's as well"

"JJ wer'e living our wildest dream. I never thought this would happen"

"Me either"

When we heard Delaney say: "Hey do you think Andy would like this?"

We both gave her a thumbs up and continued shopping. Marcelline really keeps to herself most of the time. But we all know she was just as excited as we were. Me and JJ kept it simple. She got a "My Chemical Romance" Shirt while i went with an "Of Mice & Men" shirt. Paired with a pair of skinnies, JJ got a simple black pair while i got a pair of black skinnies with laces, zippers and chains. Tripp. And than we got a few new rubber bracelets and a necklace.  Delaney got a short black dressed with white skulls patterned on it. Marcelline just got a few accessories and she was gonna borrow one of Delaney's dresses. You can tell the differences in the band. Except me and JJ. Were like sisters! 

By the time we were done shopping, Me and JJ spent around 50$ each and Marcelline spent around 15 on accessories on the other hand Delaney splurged on a dress and her total came up to around 130. It was around 4pm when we got to me and JJ's Apartment. We still had to do our hair and makeup. That takes a long time! Me and JJ get ready in our prep room. And Marcelline got ready in the bathroom and Delaney got ready in the hall. All have mirrors. 

By the time we were all ready and dressed up. It was 6:30. So we did a bit of cleaning so the guys didn't think we were total slobs. Even though we kinda were. Our kitchen almost never has dishes besides coffee cups cuz we really don't cook much. SO that's clean for the most part. And we tided up our living room, because it was trashed from having Del and Marcelline over last night. Before we knew it it was 7 and the guys were banging at our door!

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