Love isn't Always Fair

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Well Marci and Del got here around 3. We all just kinda sat around and talked about tour. Again I found myself sandwiched between CC and Andy. We came to a conclusion were all gonna be on one bus! This is gonna be good! I told everyone i called a middle bunk. Middle bunk is prime space. Because you can roll rigjt into your bunk! I also warned everyone i will sometimes sleep in the common room of the bus because of my claustrophobia.Tour life has its ups and downs, But i woulden't trade it for the world!

Andy POV!!

It kinda sucks that she's claustrophobic in a bunk, especially by herself. Let alone is she ever shared one with someone. I wish i could share a bunk with her. But our conversation fluttered towards Warped Tour. We weren't playing this year, But i guess everyone wanted to go! I think it's a great idea. We'll also get to see our friends, And introduce them to the Queens. Come to think of it. CeCe's last name is Carlile. Austin Carlile. I wonder if there related:

"Hey CeCe are you related to Austin Carlile?"

"No I'm not, But I met him on Warped last year when we headlined. Were good friends. I think OM&M is headlining this year anyway. I hope i get to see him!"

Okkay. Close enough. I wonder if she told anyone about our kiss..

Jinxx POV!!

For some reason i keep thinking about CeCe's predicament. I want to tell CC, But she told me she wants to. I wonder if that's why she wanted to come chill. I have a feeling she's gonna wait a while though. I think he should know. But it's up to her. I hope CC pulls some sort of move soon because i know CeCe does like him! She told me that much. Okay Ashley pulled out the whiskey. Its around 6. We've been talking about tour and other bands for 3 hours. It's time to drink!!


 I think somethings up. Celeste seems.. Far away. As if she's got something on her mind. I want to talk to her privately before we get too drunk. So i pulled her into the next room to talk to her alone:

"Celeste, Is something wrong?"

"No. I'm just kinda thinking about things. I'm like this before i go on tour. I promise."

"Okay. Remember im always here for you. And i always will be."

"Thanks CC. And sense you call me 'Celeste' I'm gonna call you Christian."

"Well its only fair."

"Damn right." She tapped the end of my nose with my fingertip. And than I gave her a huge bear hug.

"Whats that for?" I asked

CeCe POV!!

He didn't reply, But he grabbed my hand as we walked out of the room. I was flushed red. We rejoined the group. They diden't look at us funny but as i sat down my phone chimed. I got a text. It was from Jinxx. It said:

"Did u tell him?"

I replied "No but he asked"

And than he shot me a look. A look that says "If you wont tell him i will."

So i planned to tell him tomorrow morning after my destined vomiting fit. The rest of the night went on pretty nice beside that CC and Andy went into another room. I wonder what happened.

Andy POV!!

I had to tell CC what happened. It's only fair. So I pulled him aside and than I just told him:

"I kissed CeCe"


"I kissed her. It was an accident, I swear!"

"How the hell do you kiss someone on accident?"

I proceeded to tell him the story. Than he called CeCe over:

"Yes Christian?" Se said.

Why did she just call him Christian?

"Is he telling the truth? Did you guys kiss?"

She bursted into tears. She fell to the floor and CC threw an arm around her. Trying to comfort her. She finally said yes. She looked upset that i told him.. Did i just fuck every chance i could have had with her?


Now i feel bad for interrogating her. Ill deal with Andy later. Until than i took her to my room in the suite. I let her cry in my arms. Once she recollected herself, We had another chat.

"So something did happen?"

"Yeah, i really didn't wanna tell you, I didn't want you and Andy to be angry with each other."

"Celeste, Nothing can come between Andy and Me. Were like brothers. I want you to know that. I do want you to tell Andy the kiss meant nothing and it was all a mistake."

"Thanks Christian."

At this point she was still I'm my arms and i had to ask her.

"Who's holding your hair back tomorrow?"

"Who ever comes and helps me first!"

After that, Me and Celeste were inseparable all night. Andy was pounding booze. I really hope Celeste talks to him. He seems beat up.

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