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Chrisrtians POV

i just got off the phone with Celeste, im so happy that she gets to play at Warped!!!!!! im a little woried about her going to Cinci alone..

Celestes POV

OHMYGAWWWD i get to play at Warped!! The Warped stage is my favorite place to be. And i get to share it with my best friend (besides Justina:)!!! 

Austin and i left. I follow behind him to the hotel Of Mice And Men were staying in. On the way i call JJ.

CeCe:Hey baby girl

JJ13:Hey bud!! 

CeCe: So ive got some KILLER news!!

JJ13: Spill it!!

CeCe:So i went out to get some foods with Austin today,

JJ13: Wait did you guys-

CeCe: Dont finish that sentence, cuz no!! Dude im playing Warped with him in Cinci tomorrow!!

JJ13: What?! Dude thats fucking great!! Should we drive down??

CeCe: Dude fuck yeah! Bring whoever is not injured from Warped.


We arive at the hotel, we park and walk in, taking the elevator up. Not really my style, but i was too excited to be bothered. We walk to the door and Austin knocks and yells "EVERYONE GET CLOTHED!!!!" We waited a second, and he swiped the lock and walked in.

 "CEECEEE!!!" - Alan yelled and squeezed me! "What are you doing here?!"

Austin says "Well i asked her to preform with us tomorrow!!"

Alan meows and gos and lays on the couch. I walk over and sit in-front of the couch,"So guys, what do we do tonight?"

Tino chimes in "Since the Carliles already ate, we could go grab a drink!"

"Nu nu nu, im not old enough!!!" i pull a Jay from my pocket walking to the patio "Who wants to match?!" Everyone came  outside. We moved all the chairs into the room so we could all sit on the concrete slab over looking a pool. I sparked the tip of the joint and inhaled "Some good ol' Ohio home grown! Mmm Mmm. I always miss it on the road." 

We sit around, getting super stoned. Pulling out gorgeous pieces they got on the road this summer. Every one but Austin. His heart condition dosent mix so good with the cannabis.

We walk back into the hotel room and watch some That 70s Show. There was limited sitting space so we pulled out the couch bed and we piled on. I was resting on Austin's shoulder. 

"Now, whos trying to get a pizza or something?" Aaron chimed in,

We all said yes in some way shape or form. He called room service and ordered a couple pies. Following the munchies, we go swimming. Granted this was a surprise trip, im swimming in my bra and shorts! Everyone gets changed and grabs some towels and we head down. 

The boys jumped right in, with the exception of Alan, who followed me to the Jacuzzi

"Im really glad you came tonight. Its great to see you lady."

"Aww my Ginger Princess, its a pleasure. I go on tour in a few days so itll be come good practice, i think the queens and BVB are coming down for the show!!!"

Austin joins in, "Pools a little cold, but with you two in here, i imagine its gotten hotter!!" 

Alan jumps into Austins lap "You know it big boyy!!" Laughing hysterically.

Everyone joins one by one. All getting squished in. Im practically sitting in half on Austin and half on Alan. "I think we've exeted the body limit guys"

I climb out of the water and jump into the pool. Resurfacing " BAD IDEA BAD IDEA BAD IDEA!!!! COOOLD!!!" Austin jumps in " OH SHIT" "I TOLD YOU!!" 


We go back into the room and dry off. "Were gonna have to stop at wallyworld in the mornin, i need some clothes!!"

I walk out to the patio lighting a cigarette. Austin walks out behind me "Youre still smokin?" 

"Well yea kinda" Taking a drag.

"They'll kill ya", He takes a seat on the edge with me

"I Know.. I really missed you Austie. Its been really,, helpful seeing you."

"You okay hun?"

"Yea, everything is great, im in love with a band member who loves me back, i leave for tour in a few days and i get to scream with you tomorrow. I dunno. Its just been real seeing you. I missed you.."

"I missed you too, and we've got to see eachother more hunnie!!"

"Agreed. This waiting for Warped every year thing has gotta go"


The next morning i wake up in Austins bed. With my face against his chest. I jolt up. "Whoooa" 

I rub my eyes and get outta there.

I cant give a reason to Christian to not trust me.



Thank you guys for getting my story over 10k reads!!! Im going to try to finish out this story for you guys. Remember, we havent even gone on tour yet!! Heart this chapter if you want more <<<<3333

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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