Chapter 1: A Cousin's Return

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It's been 3 months since Hunerd was defeated, everything was peaceful. Everyone were just relaxing and having fun. Rani is pretty excited for her cousin to be coming over for visit, and Kion can't wait to meet her. Later, Kion goes to talk to his grandfather

Kion: Grandfather, Mufasa? 

Mufasa: I'm here Kion, it has been a while. 

Kion: Yeah, things have been peaceful lately since Hunerd was defeated. 

Mufasa: Well that's great. 

Kion: You know, sometimes I wonder what's next. You know, if someone threatens the Tree of Life. I know it's been 3 months, but I still wonder. 

Mufasa: There will still be challenges. As king, I faced many challenges. 

Kion: I guess king's face challenges along their circle of life. 

Mufasa: Yes, even your father. 

Kion: Thank you grandfather Mufasa. 

Mufasa disappears from the clouds

Kion: Well, better head back to Rani. 

Kion heads to Rani

Rani: Kion, you made it. 

Bunga: Is she here yet? 

Rani: No, but she will be. 

Nirmala: You're majesties. Hora has arrived. 

Hora: Rani! 

Rani: Hora, welcome. 

Hora: So good to see my younger cousin again. (she hugs her)

Rani: Good to see you too. (she hugs her back

They pull of the hug

Hora: And you must be Kion. Nice to meet you. (Hora hugs him tightly and then pulls off)

Kion: And you must be Hora, nice to meet you too. 

Baliyo: Our cousin is a hugger. 

Hora: Ah, Bally. 

Baliyo: Hey, Horry. 

Hora and Baliyo hug each other happily 

Surak: Hora has been like a Big Sister when they we're cubs. Rani and Baliyo sure loved hanging out with her. 

Hora nuzzles her uncle, Bunga once mistakenly for Surak to be her father but Surak corrects him saying that her parents were killed

Kion: Hunerd? 

Hora: No, it wasn't him. My died after her parents died. 

Fuli: What happened? 

Hora: Her mother's brother, my father was killed while drowning. 

Rani: The Night Pride couldn't save him in time. 

Kion: Oh dear. 

Hora: Yeah, they tried their best, I know that. 

Beshte: I'm so sorry to hear that. 

Hora: Don't worry about it. 

Ono: What was your father like? 

Hora: He was great. He and I were really close. 

Rani: Well, were happy you're back. 

Baliyo: Hey Horry, wanna race to that tree. 

Hora: Sure, Bally. 

Hora and Baliyo begin to race

Rani: (Chuckles) Just like old times. 

Kion: Why do Baliyo call Hora "Horry" and Hora call Baliyo "Bally"? 

Rani: Oh, it was a nickname they love calling each other. We use to play hide and seek all around lair. 

Kion: Wow, you guys really were close. 

Rani: We still are. 

Surak: Well, I'm gonna get some rest. 

Nirmala: Me too. 

Rani: Baliyo will join maybe when he's done racing with Hora. They could spend all day and have to sleep at night. Happened once. 

Surak and Nirmala leave to get sleep

Kion: You know, if it wasn't for Scar I never would've met you. 

Rani: Yeah, and I never would've have you as my king. 

Bunga: You 2 gonna do it? 

Kion and Rani: Bunga! 

Bunga: Okay, I'm leaving. 

Bunga leaves before the rest of the guard and Fuli goes to Azaad. The guard are on break today

Kion: Well, good thing that everything is peaceful. 

Rani: Yeah. (Screeches) 

Kion: Let's get into the tree. 

Kion and Rani head into the tree and bump into Makini

Kion: Oh, hey Makini. 

Makini: Hey your majesties. Need private? 

Rani: Sure. 

Kion: Thanks. 

Makini leaves, later near the mountain pass, everyone was unaware of a return, they're in hiding from Ullu, the Night Pride and all the Tree of Life's animals. It reveals to be an enemy that Kion has faced before

Fahari: All clear! 

Jiona: No one saw us! 

Makucha: Good! 

Mama: Kion and his friends have no idea that they're in for. 

Chuluun: Guys, Owl! 

Makucha's army hide and Ullu leaves

Makucha: We better go before that Owl catches us. 

Makucha and his army leave the mountain pass before they were caught, they get into their cave

Mama: Now everyone, now that we've returned. We need to be more careful. But thankfully Fahari and Jiona gave us these! 

It revealed to be pieces of Fire Stones

Jiona: That's all that's left of Hunerd. 

Mama: More than enough. 

Makucha: Wait until we get our revenge on The Night Pride. It will be successful. 

Mama: Patience, we just need to train to get our revenge. 

Makucha: We can go to the backlands! I'll lead the way. 

Mama: Then what are you waiting for? Lead the way! 

Makucha leads his army to the backlands

(And how did Makucha and his army returned, it will be explained in the future)

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