Chapter 7: Secret Realm (Part 1)

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In the Pridelands, Ono, Anga and Tazama were looking all over the Pridelands to see if they can stop Makucha in the Pridelands, meanwhile, Kion, Rani and Vitani were at Pride Rock with Simba looking after everything

Kion: Can anyone believe that Makucha's back? 

Vitani: I don't know what to think. That was my first time facing him. 

Kion: Never I thought I had to see Makucha again. 

Rani: Oh, we can handle him again. 

Simba: May not be easy. 

Kion: Dad's right. Makucha's tough. Even more tougher than last time. Well, I'm gonna go talk to Grandfather Mufasa. 

Simba: Go on Kion. 

Rani: Just be careful. 

Kion: Don't worry about me. 

Kion leaves to talk to his grandfather. Vitani assures Rani that he'll be alright

Rani: Thanks Vitani. 

Vitani: No problem and besides, what could possibly happen? 

Later, Makucha and his army we're looking for something that will lead to ultimate power

Makucha: See anything? 

Chuluun: No! We've been searching for hours! 

Ora: Yeah! Do we have to keep looking? 

Makucha: Behind these walls lead to a portal that will send us to the lost world. We'll be able to get some power there, us it to destroy the Lion Guard! 

Chuluun: How will we do that? 

Makucha: Oh, I'll show you. 

Later, Kion was talking to his grandfather Mufasa about Makucha's return

Makucha: So, Makucha's back. 

Kion: Yes grandfather. I still don't know it's possible for his army to come back. They even gotten more powerful than before. 

Mufasa: And this worries you? 

Kion: They've gotten more stronger than before. I don't know how I could handle this. 

Mufasa: Kion, you can handle anything. I know you could. 

Kion: You sure? 

Mufasa: Yes Kion. Even if things may seem difficult sometimes. 

Kion: I know that, I mean, I faced Scar before, it wasn't that easy. So I guess I could defeat Makucha again. 

Mufasa: I know you can. (he disappears from the clouds)

Kion heads back to Pride Rock, knowing that he will defeat Makucha again. He still has some doubts but he knows that he'll get through to them. Soon, Ono, Anga and Tazama come in

Ono: Kion! Vitani! Rani! 

Kion: Ono? Did you guys spot Makucha? 

Anga: We sure did. 

Tazama: They're looking for power from a Secret Realm. 

Kion: You mean the Secret Realm from the stories dad told us? 

Ono: Yes. 

Vitani: I've seen that portal before. 

Kion: You have? 

Vitani: In the Outlands. 

Anga: That's where they are. 

Tazama: You never told me that. 

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