Chapter 2: A Secret Crush

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This is an early Valentines Day special

In the morning of Valentines Day, Kion and Rani were just waking up. Rani gives Kion a lick on the cheek wishing him a happy Valentines Day, They're both pretty excited. They go outside with Makini, the rest of Night Pride arrive

Rani: Good morning everyone. 

Fuli: Morning, love birds. 

Bunga: Why are you calling them that? 

Baliyo: Do you not know? 

Bunga: I know, they're married, but-- 

Baliyo: I mean, it's the day of the heart? 

Bunga: Day of the Heart? 

Azaad: Valentines Day, a tradition the Tree of Life celebrates. 

Bunga: Oh, Valentines Day-- Valentines Day? (In shocked and gets some flowers for Binga) I didn't forget you Binga! 

Bunga runs off

Beshte: He forgot. 

Kion: Yeah, well, the day is here. 

Rani: Yup, I love Valentines Day. 

Kion: Me too. 

A few minutes later, with Baliyo

Baliyo: (Sigh) Everyone has a Valentine, expect me. Wish I had someone. 

Later, a cheetah from Season 1 appeared, he's Rovn

Rovn: Hello, Baliyo. 

Baliyo: You! What do you want? 

Rovn: I wanna help you. 

Baliyo: Oh, I'll find a Valentine. Without you! I'll be fine! 

Rovn: That's what they all say! 

Baliyo: Go away! You're not welcomed in the Tree of Life! 

Rovn: Oh, but I want to help. 

Baliyo: Look, I'll be fine! 

Baliyo prepares to leave Rovn, then runs into an unknown lioness

Baliyo: Oh, hey. 

Kalri: Oh, hi. 

Baliyo: What brings here? 

Kalri: Oh, I just need a place to be safe. My home was attacked. 

Baliyo: By who? 

Kalri: Some leopards attacked it. I don't know who they were, but I don't wanna know. 

Rovn: Why not you stay my territory? 

Kalri: Uh, no thank you. 

Baliyo: Or, you can stay here. I can see the king and queen right away. This is the Tree of Life, were all animals seek refuge for help. 

Kalri: Thank you, can you take me to see them? 

Baliyo: Sure thing. The queen is my sister and king is my brother-in-law, so I can help you. 

Kalri: Thank you. 

Baliyo: No problem. It's Valentines Day, Kion and Rani may wanna be alone, but I'm sure they won't mind. By the way, I'm Baliyo, Prince of the Tree of Life. 

Kalri: I'm Kalri. 

Baliyo takes Kalri to see Baliyo, Rovn leaves the Tree of Life before the Night Pride catch up to him, later, Kion and Rani were hanging out until Baliyo and Kalri show up

Baliyo: Rani, Kion, sorry to interrupt you guys. 

Rani: Oh, don't worry about it. Who's this? 

Baliyo: This is Kalri. She's looking for a place to stay since her home was destroyed. 

Kion: What happened. 

Kalri: Leopards attacked it. 

Rani: Oh dear. 

Baliyo: I was thinking she could stay here, but you're the queen so... 

Rani: I am queen, and you're welcome to stay. 

Kalri: Thank you, you're majesty. It's an honor. 

Baliyo: Btw, I had a run in with Rovn. Remember him? 

Kion: Oh, yes. 

Rani: We remember. 

Rovn: Hey there lioness. 

Rovn appears from the bushes

Rani: You! 

Rovn: So, I've been looking for you. 

Kalri: Um... you're cheetah. 

Rovn: Thank you. 

Kalri: Ugh... 

Kion: First, you've done it with Fuli and no you're doing with a lioness? 

Rani: Get out Rovn! 

Rovn: Esh! Fine! 

Rovn leaves

Rani: I can't stand that guy. 

Kion: At least he's gone now. 

Baliyo: You okay? 

Kalri: Yeah. 

Rani: Baliyo, think you can show Kalri around the Tree of Life? 

Baliyo: Oh, sure. (Baliyo feels a little embarrassed

Baliyo and Kalri walk off leaving Kion and Rani alone to give Kalri a tour. Baliyo and Kalri do seem to have a crush on each other, but they didn't tell each other, Kalri really enjoyed seeing the sights with Baliyo. Kalri and Baliyo ran into Fuli and Azaad, Baliyo introduced them to Kalri. Fuli and Azaad were pleased to meet her. Later, after the tour, Baliyo and Kalri went to the tree to see Kion and Rani

Kion: Hey guys. 

Rani: What'cu doing? 

Baliyo: Well, I showed her everything around here. 

Kalri: Everything was amazing. 

Rani: I'm glad you liked it. 

Kalri: So, how did you 2 first met? 

Kion: Well... uh-

Rani: Let's not talk that. You don't wanna know how it turned out. 

Kion: Yeah. 

Kalri: Okay. 

Baliyo: Well, We're gonna leave you alone now. Since you 2 are having a moment. 

Kion: Okay. 

Baliyo and Kalri step out of the lair and up on a mountain to see the sunset. This is a beginning of a beautiful friendship for them. Kion, Rani and the rest of the Night Pride seem to believe that Baliyo and Kalri may have romantic feelings for each other. Later, with Baliyo and Kalri

Baliyo: You know, I'm glad I met you today.

Kalri: Me too. 

Rovn: Hey... 

Baliyo: Get out Rovn! 

Kalri: Yeah, we want to be alone! 

Rovn: Fine! 

Rovn leaves and then bumps into Fuli, Rovn tries to flirt with her but she and Azaad decline him. Rovn then decides to leave the Tree of Life, but plans to return, Baliyo and Kalri lean next to each other and see the sunset

The Night Pride: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now