Chapter 13: Journey to the Tree of Life

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In the Tree of Life, Surak and Nirmala were looking after the Tree of Life's animals, it's been 3 weeks since Kion, Rani, Baliyo and the Guard we're out of the Tree of Life. Soon, they saw a green hole

Surak: What is that? 

Nirmala: I have no idea. 

Then, Kalri and Hora come, soon, Makucha and his army come from the portal in everyone's shock

Surak: Makucha? 

Makucha: Hello everyone. 

Nirmala: But how is that possible? Kion just-- 

Makucha: Nevermind about that! Everyone here is doomed now cause my new power. 

He shows an example of his powers, making every except the lions run

Makucha: And since I'm in such a good mood, I'll just lock you up inside that Tree! 

Back in the Pridelands, Kion and his guard we're getting ready to leave the Pridelands and return to the Tree of Life

Kiara: Well, Kion. Gotten everything to return home? The Tree of Life. 

Kion: Yeah, I think I got everything I need. 

Makini: Well, it was fun. But It's time to get home. 

Rafiki: Yes. It's been 3 weeks. Makucha and his army haven't been attacking lately. 

Vitani: Yeah, that has me worried. 

Rani: I wouldn't worry that much. We'll be fine. 

Kion: Yeah, if we can stop Makucha once, we can stop him again. 

Timon and Pumbaa were hugging Bunga goodbye, wishing him good luck on his trip back home. Then, Kion turns to his family and hugs them, as they wish him a safe journey. Kiara pulls Rani into the hug, after they all pull off, Kion and his friends start the journey home

Nala: Bye guys. 

Kiara: Be careful. 

Kion: We will. 

Kiara and Vitani were pretty worried for Kion, thinking about what has happened since they left. They head into the cave of Pride Rock 

Vitani: You know, something tells me that something is happening. 

Kiara: No kidding, I feel like something is gonna happen to my brother when he steps foot into the Tree of Life. 

Simba: Everything will be fine girls. 

Kiara: Are you sure? 

Simba: Yes. It's not like Makucha and his army have taken over. 

But Simba was wrong, back in the Tree of Life, things we're going bad. As Jani, the new leader of the army, has officially taken over. Waiting for Kion and Rani to come.

Jani: Hahaha. Everyone is fearing my face! When my sister comes, Kion's roar won't defeat me. They'll be doomed when they get here. 

Surak: Let us go! 

Jani: Sorry Surak, but it has to be this way. 

With Kion and Rani, they we're still continuing their journey home

Baliyo: You know, everything will be back to normal when we get back to the Tree of Life. 

Bunga: Yup, can't wait to see Binga again. 

Fuli: And there will be no more baboons. 

Azaad: You got that right. 

Beshte: Me and my new friends will be back together soon. My dad even said he'll be in the Tree of Life next month. 

Kion: Everything clear Ono? 

Ono: Everything's clear? Right Anga? 

Anga: Yup. 

Kion: It was nice seeing the Pridelands again. But everything will be nice again when we return to the Tree of Life. 

In the Pridelands, Kiara can't help and notice that she's very worried for her brother

Kovu: Kiara? What's wrong? 

Kiara: I'm just.. I'm worried for Kion. I feel like they're gonna be in some sort of trap when they return. 

Kovu: Everything will be okay. I'm sure Kion can handle Makucha's army. 

Simba: Kovu's right Kiara. If anyone can handle Makucha, it will be Kion. 

Suddenly, Janja, Jasiri, Ook, Cheezi and Chungu come in to tell them about Makucha and his army

Simba: Wow, what's going on? 

Janja: The Tree of Life! It's in trouble! 

Jasiri: We saw Makucha and his army opening a portal to the Tree of Life and they're beeing lead by a lioness named "Jani".

Kiara: Jani? You mean Rani's Twin Sister that betrayed her and almost burned my brother. 

Ook: Yes, that Jani. 

Janja: We even heard that Jani has setted up a trap for Kion and the Night Pride. 

Simba: Wow, Calm down. Kion's in danger? 

Jasiri: By the time he gets there that is-- wait, they're at the Tree of Life? 

Kovu: They're going to be. 

Janja: Oh no, by the time Kion gets there, he'll be in danger! 

Kiara: I say we go to the Tree of Life and help Kion. 

Ook: Alright! Now we're talking! 

Kiara: Daddy, I know you would want me to stay here where it's safe. But I feel like-- 

Simba: You go on ahead. Me and you're mother will stay. 

Kiara: Oh, really? 

Simba: I know by now, that you'll be alright on you're own. As my daughter, I trust you. 

Kiara: Wow. Thanks daddy, I'm also bringing Kovu and Vitani along. 

Simba: I knew you are gonna do that. 

Vitani: Excuse me! Is everything okay? 

Kiara: Kion's in trouble, can you help us? 

Vitani: Oh, I will. I'll bring my guard to help. 

Kiara: Very well. 

Ork: Ahem! You're gonna leave without us are you? 

Kiara: Ork, you sure you wanna go? You're brother will be there. 

Ork: Yes. 

Badili: And I'm willing to help as well. 

Nala: Boy, you guys have a big army here.

Kiara: Thanks. Can you get Shujaa from the Sokwe's Troop? 

Zazu: I'll do that right away! 

Simba: Thanks, Zazu. 

Zazu: Hey, you got my name right. 

Zazu heads to get Shujaa

Kiara: And we're gonna head to the Tree of Life right now. 

Simba: Good idea. 

Nala: Good luck Kiara. 

Kiara: Thanks mom. Alright guys, are you ready? 

Kovu: Yeah, we're ready. 

Vitani: We sure are. 

Kiara: Alright now. Let's do this! For Kion! 

Everyone: For Kion! 

They all start journeying to the Tree of Life to help Kion, with Simb and Nala knowing that they'll be fine. Meanwhile, Kion and his friends have made it home. However, they were ambused by Makucha's army

To be Contenuide in the season finale, "Return to the Tree of Life"

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