Chapter 11: Janja's Day Out

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One day in the Outlands, Cheezi, Chungu and Ook where talking about hobbies, Ook explains that his hobby is to collect things, Cheezi says his hobby is magic and Chungu's hobby is collect flowers. Then Janja comes to see whats going on

Ook: Hey Janja, we were just talking about hobbies. 

Janja: Hobbies? You mean like what you do, collect? 

Ook: Yeah, what's your hobby? 

Janja: Uh... Uh... um... I don't have one. 

Cheezi: What? 

Chungu: No way! 

Ook: C'mon bro, everyone has a hobby. 

Janja: Yeah, well I gave up my hobby. You know, hunting in the Pridelands? 

Reirei: Ha Ha! Looks like the hyena does not have a hobby! 

Ook: Back of Reirei! 

Reirei: What are you gonna do about little hyena? 

Janja: Don't make me get Jasiri? She's more strict than you ever know! 

Ook: Oh, yeah! You heard him. 

Reirei: Well, if you don't have a hobby. Then you're a lose! HA HA! 

Mzingo: Reirei! I don't think that was very nice of what you were doing! I could report this you know! 

Reirei: Fine! But you know! I have my own hobby! Caring for my childern! Ha ha! 

Reirei leaves with Janja feeling sad about what Reirei said

Ook: Don't listen to her, you will find a hobby that you like. 

Janja: How will I find it? 

Ook: Why not we ask Kion, he's still in the Pridelands for a while. 

Janja: Yeah, good idea little bro. Thanks. 

Ook: Hey Fur Brians, tell Queen Jasiri that we'll be with Kion. 

Cheezi: Okay. 

Chungu: Have fun finding your hobby. 

Then, they go in their own directions. Meanwhile, Kion was hanging out with Rani, Kiara and Kovu. Then Janja and Ook come to them

Kion: Janja? Ook? What are you guys doing here? 

Janja: I'm looking for a new hobby. 

Rani: A new hobby? 

Janja: Yeah, I wanna prove Reirei that I can have a good hobby. 

Kion: Well, what do you do? 

Janja: I use to hunt in the Pridelands. But now I don't. 

Kovu: We could show you. 

Kion: Yeah, it be fun. Finding a is easy. I'll show you. 

They go to the old Lion Guard, Baliyo and Azaad for help. They all discuss how they're gonna find a hobby for Janja, Bunga volunteers for the first turn to find Janja a hobby

Fuli: Oh no. 

Then, they find a tree

Janja: Are we really looking for bugs? 

Bunga: Yeah, it's my hobby. 

Fuli: Trust me Janja, this is a bad idea. 

Bunga goes into the tree to get some grubs

Bunga: Wanna bite? 

Janja: Ew, gross. 

Bunga: C'mon, it's tasty. 

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