Chapter 10: Bunga's Rival

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One Day in the Pridelands, Kion and Kiara were having a chat at the watering hole 

Kiara: Was that scary Kion? 

Kion: Me almost getting burned alive? Nah.

Kiara: Well, I was. Just glad you're alright. 

Kion: Yeah, I can see that. 

Kiara: Any idea? 

Kion: Any idea on what? 

Kiara: How you're gonna defeat Makucha? 

Kion: Don't worry sis, I'll defeat him. 

Kiara: I know, it's not easy not worrying about you. 

Kion: But hey, we'll always have each other. No matter where we are. 

Kiara: Yeah. 

Then, Bunga interrupts them but jumping into the water

Kion and Kiara: Bunga!! 

Bunga: What? Wanna play in the water? 

He splashes at him

Kion: Bunga, I have no time for this. 

Bunga: Yeah, you use to. We were always play Baobab Ball, remember? 

Kion: That was a long time ago. 

Bunga: Yeah! Back when we were cubs! 

Kiara: Well, the water is still pretty fun. 

Kion: Yeah, I agree. But I have no time right now. 

Then, they saw someone in trouble

Cheezi: Help! Help! 

Kion: Cheezi? What happened? 

Cheezi: I slipped and nearly fell. I can't get back up! 

Kion: Can you reach my paw? 

Cheezi: I can't. 

Kion also nearly falls off, but an unknown Honey Badger saved him and helped Cheezi, they were grateful for his help

Benge: You alright? 

Kion: Yeah. 

Cheezi: Thanks. 

Benge: Name's Benge. 

Vitani: Kion! We heard that Cheezi was in trouble. 

Kion: He's alright, thanks to Benge. 

Benge: Hi, nice to meet you. 

Shabaha: Nice to meet you too. 

Kasi: You almost look like Bunga. 

Fuli: Smell better too. 

Benge: Thanks. I came from the Proudlands. 

Tazama: Oh yeah, I've been there before. 

Janja: Guys! Is Cheezi alright? 

Kion: He's fine Janja. 

Benge: You can thank me. Benge's the name. 

Janja: Nice to meet you Benge. 

Bunga: Oh, c'mon! I can do that too! And can also do a stink. 

Benge: Eh, I don't like doing that. Gross. 

Fuli: Finally! A Honey Badger who doesn't stink. Do you eat bugs? 

Benge: Only when I'm hungry. So, you're a cheetah? Do you run fast? 

Fuli: Fast is what I do. 

A few minutes later, Benge tells everyone about his adventures, making Bunga jealous

Pumbaa: Boy, this guy sure has some amazing tales. 

Bunga: Yeah, I think they're all fake and wanting to get us to like him. 

Timon: Wel... yeah! How dare they pay attention to him and not you! 

Rani: So, you saved that giraffe? 

Benge: Yes I did. I even saved a bunch of animals that day. 

Bunga attempts to get Fuli all wet, But Benge saves her from the water, he did not aspirate what Bunga was doing

Benge: Cheetah's and water, do not mix! 

Fuli: Exactly! 

This makes Bunga, even more jealous. Seeing how more mature he is

Timon: Relax, you still better to us. 

Bunga: Yeah! I get it! 

All day long, all of the other animals (execpt Timon and Pumbaa) were paying attention to Benge than Bunga, making him more jealous

Kion: Don't let it get to you Bunga. 

Bunga: Get what? I-- I don't understand. 

Kion: I know, we are all excited about Benge. But look at him. 

Zuri: More mature than you! 

Bunga: Alright! That's it! 

Bunga goes over to confront Benge

Bunga: Hey you! Yes you! You stay away, from my friends! They're mine! And no one is taking them away from me! 

Benge: What are you talking about? 

Bunga: And another thing, stop with these stories! They're getting on my nerves! 

Benge: Wow, wow! Calm down! 

Kiara: Yeah Bunga, calm down. 

Bunga: Eh. Fine! 

Later that night, Bunga was can't get any sleep at all. Can't stop thinking Benge. He worries that Benge will steal everything from him. Then he goes outside for a midnight stroll. Then he sees some people admiring Benge. He gets tired of it. Then, he nearly falls off an edge. He was hanging off a cliff, then Benge hears the sound of him and comes over.

Benge: Bunga? What happened? 

Bunga: Oh, it's you. 

Benge: What happened? 

Bunga: I don't know, but can you help me. 

Benge: Alright. Can you grab on to my paw? 

Bunga grabs onto Benge's paw but Benge almost ends up falling until Kion and Vitani came to the rescue. (As they pull them up)

Benge: Thank you. 

Kion: You're welcome. 

Vitani: Now, Bunga, what do you say to Benge? 

Bunga: Uh... thank you. 

Kion: And... 

Bunga: And, I'm sorry for the way I treated you. 

Benge: I forgive ya. 

The Next Day, Benge was prepared to leave the Pridelands, until Bunga came

Bunga: Where are you going? 

Benge: I'm going to explore other lands. 

Bunga: Hey, we'll always be friends. Right? 

Benge: Sure. Hey, just because your growing doesn't mean you have to grow up too much. 

Bunga: Yeah, but I felt like Kion did. 

Benge: Oh c'mon! Look at him, he and Kiara are still having fun. 

Bunga: Yeah, guess every doesn't grow up too much. 

Benge: Yeah, well I better be going. 

Benge leaves the Pridelands to continue his adventures and explore other lands, Bunga starts to get over his jealousy of him

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