Chapter 6: The Rise of Makucha

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One night, Mama Binturong is fishing up her training to take down the Lion Guard once and for all. 

Smun: Really, Mama? 

Mama Binturong: Yes, I'm ready. 

Makucha: You mean, today's the day? 

Mama Binturong: We'll start tomorrow... 

Makucha: Yeah (yawns), I'm tired anyway. 

Mama Binturong: We're all gonna take down the Lion Guard one by one. (laughs wickedly

Later, Kion was having a nightmare, and Makucha was in it

Kion: Where... where am I? Rani, Mom, Dad, Kiara, Kovu? 

Makucha: Hello Kion... 

Kion: Makucha! 

Makucha: It's been a long time. 

Kion: What are you doing here? 

Makucha: I took your land, your friends, your family are captured! By me and my army! 

Kion: Where are they? 

Makucha: Where are they? Ha! I put them somewhere far away! 

Kion: Where! 

Makucha: Oh, you try and use your roar! It won't help! It's gone now! 

Kion: Well! Watch this! (He tries to use his roar but nothing came out) Huh?

Makucha: Oh, it's gone alright! I have it now! 

Makucha uses the roar on Kion, then his Nightmare ends and woke up in shock like his father did in the second movie and then goes back to sleep, the next day

Kion: Morning guys.

Kiara: Good morning Kion. 

Vitani: Morning everyone. 

Kion: Hey Vitani.  What are you up to? 

Vitani: Going on my daily patrol. I have my confidence up now that I'm ignoring Zuri. 

Kion: Good. Proud of ya. 

Vitani: Well, see ya. 

Vitani leaves for her morning patrol

Rani: Any plans for today? 

Kion: I'm gonna be hanging my dad this morning. We'll be at the water hole. 

Rani: Okay, See at noon, I'm gonna be with Baliyo. We're hanging out as well. 

Kion: Okay. 

Rani licks Kion's cheek and then they separate, Kion goes to his father and Rani is going to her brother. Later with Makucha and his army

Mama Binturong: So here's the plan, we hunt the zebras, then the new Lion Guard attack, we'll attack them, Kion and the Night Pride will arrive, then we'll be killing them. 

Ora: Ooh, dark. 

Chuluun: I like it. 

Later, with Kion and Simba, Kion and Simba were talking about how things are getting along 

Simba: Enjoying your vacation? 

Kion: Yup, feels just like old times.

Simba: So, what were you and Rani doing in the Tree of Life? 

Kion: Ruling, relaxing. 

Simba: Same. 

Suddenly, Simba notices something with Kion

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