Chapter 5: The Mysterious Lion

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Kion is helping his father prepare for a festival. Rani and the former Lion Guard are also helping. Then, Vitani pops up

Kion: Oh hey Vitani. 

Vitani: What's up? 

Kion: Nothing, just helping prepare for the Pridelands Festival. 

Vitani: You mean the Carhana? 

Rani: Yeah, pretty exciting huh? We should come here every year. 

Vitani: Well, back in the dark times, my mother had a Festival on this day called, the Darkhana. 

Rani: Darkhana? 

Kion: Probably an Outsider thing. 

Vitani: Yup. 

Vitani strolls with Kion and Rani as they help prepare for the Festival

Kion: Good to have your guard helping. 

Vitani: Thank you. Glad to have you here. What tradition do you guys have? 

Rani: We have the Tree of Life Games. 

Vitani: Tree of Life Games? Cool. 

Kion: By the way, what are the Tree of Life Games? 

Rani: Where some Prides come to compete in our challenges. 

Simba: There you guys are. 

Kion: Oh, hey dad. 

Simba: Just to let you know, were gonna have so much fun. The Carhana will be so much fun, with you guys helping out. 

Kion: Thank, but we can't take all the credit. Vitani and her guard have been a great help. 

Simba: And yet, they have. 

Kion: Even Janja and Jasiri are coming. 

Simba: Yeah, sense the Outsiders are part of our pride now, I thought the Hyena's can join us as well. 

Then Tiifu and Zuri come over

Tiifu: You're majesty! We just spotted a mess near the forest. 

Zuri: Yeah, can you check it out? 

Simba: Sorry, but I must prepare for the festival. 

Kion: Why not Vitani? 

Zuri: Oh no, not that Outsider! Why can't we have you check it out! 

Tiifu: C'mon Zuri. Kion could help but he's not leader of the Lion Guard anymore. 

Zuri: Yeah, but Vitani's so boring. 

Simba: Zuri! Don't be so rude! Vitani is an expectable lion to lead the guard! Apologize, right now! 

Zuri: Sorry Vitani, and yes you can check it out. 

Vitani: Be right back. 

Tiifu: Thank you. 

Vitani goes to check out the mess

Zuri: But please your majesty, why can't Kion come back? He's suppose to lead the Lion Guard, not the Lionesses. 

Simba: Honestly Zuri! How many times do we need to go over this! Kion is Rani's king now! He and his guard are part of the Night Pride. 

Zuri: Well, if you haven't made peace with them, none of this would've happen. 

Simba: Well, I'm proud of my son. 

Kion, Rani and Simba get back to work, later at night, a stone lion is lurking near and no one was aware of it, the festival was about to start

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