Chapter 3: Visiting the Pridelands

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One morning, Kion, Rani, Makini, the former Lion Guard and Baliyo are getting ready to visit the Pridelands

Kion: You got everything? 

Nirmala: Yeah, we got it. 

Surak: We can handle things. 

Rani: Well, I can't wait to see your home. 

Baliyo: Me too. 

Azaad: Wait for me! 

Kion: You're coming too? 

Azaad: Yeah. 

Fuli: Well, that's great! 

Bunga: Too bad Binga isn't coming. She would like my uncles, Timon and Pumbaa. 

Beshte: But hey, it will be a great vacation. 

Rani: Hey, bro, did you say bye to Kalri. 

Baliyo: Rani, shut it! (He gets embarrassed

Everyone laughs at Baliyo

Baliyo: Really? 

Kion: You like her, don't you? 

Baliyo: Not like that! She's just a friend to be! (His face turns red) 

Kion: Alright, if you say so.

Rani: Anyway, let's go. 

Surak: Bye! 

Nirmala: Have a good time! 

Kion: We will. 

Kion, Rani, Baliyo, Makini, the Guard and Azaad start their Journey to the Pridelands. Kion was pretty excited since he hasn't been there in a while. Baliyo wanted to come along since he travels mostly with his sister, but he and Bunga were pretty impatient along the way

Baliyo: Are we there yet? 

Kion: No. 

Bunga: Are we there yet? 

Rani: Not yet. 

Bunga: Are we there yet? 

Ono: No! 

Anga: Give us a break! 

Baliyo: Are we there yet? 

2 days later

Bunga: Are we there yet? 

Kion: No! 

Baliyo: Are we there yet? 

Rani: No we are not! 

Bunga: Are we there yet? 

Everyone (execpt Bunga and Baliyo): NO!!!

Baliyo: Alright, we get it! It's just taking forever! 

Rani: I know, but just paient, the Pridelands far away from the Tree of Life. 

Kion: Yeah, how long did you think it took me to get to the Tree of Life? 

Makini: It took, a long time. 

Baliyo: I get it! 

Bunga: Yeah, me too! 

Kion: Good. And guess what, we are there now. 

Bunga: Yes! 

Baliyo: Finally! 

Kion: Well, we made it. 

Kion and the others head to Pride Rock to see Kion's family

Kion: Mom, Dad, Kiara, we're here! 

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