Chapter 9: Sister or Foe

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Kion was with Rani and Baliyo at Pride Rock. Kion was practicing his roar to help him defeat Makucha. Then, Simba and Kiara come by to see how they're doing

Simba: How are you guys holding up. 

Kion: Alright, right guys? 

He then notices them sleeping

Kiara: Night Pride? Am I right? 

Kion: Guys? 

They suddenly wake up

Rani: Huh? Oh.. oh.. yeah, yeah. 

Baliyo: What are we talking about? 

Kion: We're holding up great, right? 

Rani: Oh, yeah. 

Baliyo: We are. 

Kion: That's great. Btw dad, anything you've got planned? 

Simba: For what? 

Kion: You know? 

Simba: Oh, Makucha, no, afraid not. 

Baliyo: Well, we could kill Makucha. 

Kion, Rani, Simba and Kiara: No!! 

Baliyo: I was kidding. 

Kiara: Yeah, but that was still pretty dark... 

Kion: Well, were gonna meet up with my old Guard now. 

Kiara: I'll go along with you. 

Simba: Be careful. 

Kion: Oh, don't worry about us. 

Kion, Rani, Kiara and Baliyo head over to his guard and Vitani's Guard

Vitani: Kion. 

Kion: Hey guys. 

Bunga: About time. 

Baliyo: Yeah, we were resting and Kion was practicing his roar. 

Jani: Just like old times, little brother. 

She shows herself

Baliyo: Jani? 

Jani: Haven't forgotten about me little brother? 

Baliyo: I'm not your little brother, I'm just younger. And you can just call me Baliyo. 

Jani: Oh, Baliyo. 

She nuzzles him with a suspicion voice

Jani: After what you did to me, I though you would've been too ashamed to show your face. 

Baliyo becomes shocked and Jani turns to Rani

Jani: Ah, Rani, it's been a while. 

Rani: Uh, have we met? 

Jani: Oh, that's right. It's been about 2 years. You know, before you became Queen and grandmother died? I was in danger. 

Rani: Wait, Jani? 

Kion: Jani? 

Rani: Kion, this is my twin sister, Jani. I thought you were a goner, sis. 

Jani: Oh, I had to ran so far away from the fire, we have no idea who caused it, I had to run. But since I know where you are, I wanted to visit you. 

Baliyo: Oh, really? 

Jani: And to meet your handsome king... (she flirts with him)

Kion: Uh... thanks... I guess... I'm married you know? 

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