Chapter 12: A Tale of 2 Leopards

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In Pride Rock, everyone (execpt Kion and Rani) were waking up. Simba tells everyone to leave the cave and give them some time alone. In the Backlands, Badili and Ork (Makucha's reformed sister) are racing around Badili's territory. Ork is also now Badili's first member of his leap. Since there were no other members in his leap. Then, Ork playfully pins Badili

Ork: Pinned Ya! 

Badili: You always get me. 

Ork: Well, can't help myself I guess. 

Ork gets off of Badili and Badili gets up

Badili: So, how is this good guy stuff coming out for you? 

Ork: It's going great. Still new. 

Badili: Well, at least we're getting along well. 

Ork: Yeah, you're a nice leopard. 

Badili: Yeah, my parents weren't though. My parents left me ever since I was a cub. A lion took me in and took care of me. Until it was killed by some other leapords. I had to defend my terriorty from any trespassers. But you're always welcome. 

Ork: Wow, That must have been awful. 

Badili: Yeah... but thanks to the Lion Guard I was able to defend my turf from any other praetor or bully. 

Ork: By the way, what ever happen to Mapigano? 

Badili: According to Vitani's Lion Guard, he is sent to work at another valley. 

Ork: Serves him right! 

Badili and Ork fall into an awkard silent as they fall in love. Later in the Pridelands, Kion was having a morning stroll. They woke up late in the morning

Kion: You really did that? 

Rani: Yup, Baliyo didn't even talk to me for a week. Luckily we were able to work things out. 

Kion: Yeah, I had fight like that with Kiara when I was cub. But we would never let anything stand between us. 

Rani: Wow, guess it's not always easy when you 2 were cubs. 

Kion: Well, it doesn't prevent us from loving each other. Like you and Baliyo, right? 

Rani: Of course. 

They both share a friendly laugh, then Kasi comes with news

Kion: Kasi? What's going on? 

Kasi: Vitani called out sick today so she can't patrol. She said we should patrol by ourselves. 

Kion: I don't anything wrong with it? I had a sick day once. Although I did have Kiare lead the guard... so... 

Kasi: I mean, today she was suppose to go to the Backlands and help Ork and Badili setting up their territory. 

Rani: Ork and Badili? 

Kasi: Oh, It's been a few months and they are in love. 

Rani: That was... unexpected. 

Kion: Yeah... no kidding. 

Kasi: Badili decided to share his terriotory with Ork. I was hopping you 2 can help. 

Kion: Oh, we sure can. 

Rani: Yeah, thanks for telling us. 

Kasi: Your welcome. Need any help? 

Kion: Oh, no. I know my way in the Backlands. I've been there before. 

Kion and Rani go to the Backlands to help Ork and Badili, who were surprised to see them

Ork: Oh, hey guys.

Badili: We didn't know you were coming to the backlands. 

Kion: We heard you guys needed help setting up your turf. Vitani was sick, but we were sent to help luckily. 

Badili: Well, thank you. 

Ork: We could use all the help we can get. 

Rani: So, what do you need setting up here? 

Ork: Well, last week we've been attacked by my brother. 

Kion: Makucha? 

Rani: He was here? 

Ork: He came here a couple days ago to steal a rock, with a painting. 

Badili: We don't what he wanted with it. But we were well aware that he wanted to eat all animals. He's willing to do whatever it takes. 

Ork: We even heard that he's working for a lioness. Didn't catch her name. 

Kion: Oh, we'll find out. Anyway, was their a mess? 

Ork: Yes. And we can't clean it up by ourselves. 

Kion: Oh, we'll help. 

Ork: Thanks. And no, we're not lazy. This is just hard to clean up. 

Rani: Oh, we know all about messes. We even had one when we first met. Remember Kion? 

Kion: No need to remind me of that mess. 

They all share a friendly laugh. After that, they decided to get to work on the mess Makucha made. There were vines, trees, and holes everywhere. Ork explains once he masters all the powers from his crystal, everything that was once his will be destroyed. Even his family. This makes Rani worried for him and his family, meanwhile, at Makucha's cave

Makucha: Yes! At long last! I'd finally mastered all my crystal's powers! 

Jani: Yes, and we'll be able take over the Tree of Life! 

Chuluun: After this we can eat everything we want and take over any land we want. 

Makucha: We'll conquer all of the Circle of Life! 

Ora: Won't Kion stop you? 

Makucha: Not this time! 

Back in the Backlands, Kion, Rani, Ork and Badili were just finishing up their clean up

Kion: Well, we did it. We cleaned the land. 

Badili: Thanks for you're help. 

Ork: Couldn't have done it without you guys. 

Kion: Thanks. 

Rani: Now, we better head back to the Pridelands. 

Ork: Yeah. Good luck dealing with my big brother. He's even tougher than before. 

Kion: Oh, we'll handle him. I hope. 

Kion and Rani head back to the Pridelands while Badili and Ork go into their turf to have relax

Ork: Feels weird sharing a turf. Doesn't it? 

Badili: Kinda is if you're a leopard. 

Ork: Yeah, but I like it. 

Badili: Me too. 

That evening, everyone was about to go to sleep. Kion and Rani went to sleep early. Simba tells everyone to keep a low profile as everyone heads to sleep. Outside Pride Rock, Jani was looking at Pride Rock saying this: 

Jani: Enjoy you're night Queen Rani, cause you'll have no idea. That the Tree of Life... will be DOOMED! (Smirks)

Get Ready for the last 2 chapters: 

Chapter 13: Journey to the Tree of Life

Chapter 14: Return to the Tree of Life (FINALE)

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