Chapter Thirty-Three

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I woke up the next morning to find myself alone in bed. I stretched my tired and achy body. It was a good ache. When I sat up I winced slightly, memories of last night immediately coming back. I couldn't stop the smile that formed. I looked around the room and my eyes fell on a shirt sitting on a chair in the corner. I got up and walked over grabbing the shirt and slipping it on. I buttoned it, welcoming the scent of Sean as it wrapped around me.

When I made it down to the first floor I discovered that I was alone. I wondered where everyone had gone. The smell of coffee and bacon hit my nose and I trailed it to the kitchen. I wasn't a big coffee drinker, but the bacon had my mouth salivating. I grabbed a plate and piled the breakfast that was surprisingly still warm onto it. The sounds of small joyous laughter reached my ears and I looked out the window over the sink to find Drew and the girls running around the backyard.

They looked so happy. I carried my plate over to the door and stood in front if it, chomping on a piece of bacon and watched them play, a smile on my lips. It was an image I could get used to.


I glanced over my shoulder and found Sean walking over to the sink.

"Good morning."

Silence fell between us as I finished my breakfast and Sean washed the dishes. I carried my empty plate over to the sink. He took it without a word.

"Last night-"

"Will never happen again," he said, cutting me off.


"It shouldn't have happened in the first place and I'm sorry. We should have respected your wishes and stopped it before things went too far."

"But I wanted it to happen. I don't regret anything that we did last night."

"And why is that?" Sean turned to look at me.

"Why is what?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Why is it when you want something from us, you get it, but when we want something you shut us down?"

"Sean, I don't-"

"Listen to me Jade. I love you. Drew loves you. And we love our girls. But we're not going to be around for those rare moments when you want to have a little fun. You're going to either be all in or all out and we'll co-parent."

He put the last dish away and walked out the door to be with Drew and the girls, leaving me alone reeling.

I didn't understand where any of that had come from. We had always done our best work in the bedroom and I don't remember either of them complaining. In fact, I remember that I was the one who didn't want to pursue anything, even sexually, and they had pushed, taking what they wanted. Now I was the bad guy?

I ran upstairs and rummaged through drawers until I found a pair of Sean's sweats. I slipped them on, rolling down the top so that they didn't slip from my hips, slipped on my heels and grabbed my dress. I headed back down stairs and out the door. The girls didn't know I was there and I wanted to keep it that way. I didn't want them to think I was going to stay and play family, especially not after the way Sean had dismissed me.

I got in my car and drove home, texting Meg to see if she could meet me.


I had just finished telling her what had happened and she sat next to me on the couch silent. That wasn't like Meg. She always spoke her mind.

"Say something," I pleaded.

"What would you like me to say? Do you want me to say that Sean was out of line? That's it right? You want me to agree with you? Because I can't."

"I don't want you to agree with me."

"Yes you do. Why else would you tell me?"


"No. Sometimes I want to slap you."

"What?" I was used to Meg telling like it is, but this was different.

"You have two really great guys who love you and who took on being dads like champs. There are so many guys out there that would probably run for the nearest exit and they didn't. And what makes it even more perfect is that they want to be with you. Do you know how rare it is to find even one person to be with let alone two? And you're throwing it away. Why?"

"Because I'm scared," I admitted.

"Of what? What are you afraid of?"

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