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One Year Later


My entire body buzzed with excitement as I drove home. I couldn't help glancing over at the manila folder that sat on the passenger seat. The folder held everything. Everything that would change my life forever. Not that my life wasn't already changed. I mean, I was a mother of twin daughters, who also happened to be half-sisters. That had all been the result of a wild night of unprotected sex with two of the hottest men I had even come in contact with.

I pulled my car into the three-car garage of the home I shared with my baby daddies. A laugh escaped my lips. When Drew and Sean had first purchased the house, the fact that it had a garage for three had completely escaped me. We weren't a couple, or trouple, and they had assured me that they had purchased the home for the girls when they stayed over. Now I think they had always secretly thought I would be parking my car there along with theirs.

I turned the car off and grabbed the folder before stepping out and making my way into the house. Moving through the house I noticed it was pretty quiet until I got to the kitchen. The back door was opened and the girls could be heard playing out in the yard. Drew stood at the door watching them, a huge smile upon his face. Sean was busy buzzing about the kitchen. Making dinner no doubt. Drew turned and spotted me first.

"Hey beautiful," he said, turning to me fully.

"Hi," I said. I couldn't seem to wipe the grin off my face.

"What's got you in such a good mood?"

"You win your case?" Sean asked. He spared a glance over his shoulder before turning back to stir something in a pot on the stove.

"No. That is still going on." I walked over and Drew pulled me into his arms and placed a quick kiss to my lips.

"Missed you."

"Missed you too. Here," I said and handed him the envelope. The shit eating grin reappeared on my face as I stepped away. I walked over and gave Sean a kiss, sneaking a peek in the pot. "Chili? Smells good."

"Hmm, so do you," Sean said, his voice taking on a husky rasp. "Good enough to eat."

"Play your cards right." I winked at him and turned to the fridge. I opened the door and bent at the waist to grab a bottle of soda from the back.

"Is this what I think it is?" Drew growled at my back.

I straightened and came flush against his solid form. Tingles worked their way down my body the way they always did whenever I was close to him or Sean. I turned and looked up into his hazel eyes.

"What do you think it is?" I asked softly.

"I think you just officially made yourself mine and Sean's."

"That's exactly what I did."

Drew let out a groan and wrapped me in his arms. I nearly dropped the bottle when our lips met. This kiss was different from our earlier kiss. That one had been slow. A nice greeting. This one was hard and deep. Drew's tongue pushed past my lips and into my mouth and I savored the taste of him.

"What is this?" Sean's voice penetrated the fog in my mind that Drew's kiss brought on.

"This is Mrs. Jade Renee Singer-Day," Drew said against my lips.

My cheeks were going to be killing me by the end of the day from all the smiling.

Legally I couldn't marry both Drew and Sean and the idea of only marrying one of them and leaving the other out made my stomach hurt. We were a threesome. We belonged together. It was the only way it worked. Sean and Drew had legally changed their names, choosing to hyphenate and link themselves together forever. They wanted the girls to have their last name, but they didn't want it to be one or the other. So after they legally changed their names, I did the same with the twins, making them Joanna and Julianna Singer-Day.

During a romantic night where Meg took the girls to give Drew, Sean and I some alone time, they broached the subject of me becoming their wife. Legally it couldn't happen, but they wanted me to be theirs in every way that counted. As much as I loved them I still had my reservations about the entire thing. Even when they presented three platinum bands. The idea of "marrying" two men still freaked me out. I still struggled with what other people thought. I struggled with whether or not we could really work.

But after watching them with our daughters and accepting the fact that I was hopelessly and desperately in love with the both of them, I took the leap. I changed my name and made myself theirs. Forever.

Sean quickly turned off the stove and moved over to join us. He wrapped his hand around the back of my head and brought his lips to mine. Drew pulled me flush against him and I felt that familiar ache between my legs that wanted their touch. Dinner be damned. We were content to feast on each other. And then...

"Mommy, you're home!"

The three of us pulled apart quickly and turned to the two little girls running into the house.

"Yes and now we need to go get you two cleaned up. Daddy Sean made us chili."

"Yay!" They said and took off through the house.

I shot Sean and Drew a look before following the girls. Who needed a cold shower when you had kids?

This was my family. We would have a commitment ceremony at a later date, but by all intents and purposes, I was their wife and they were my husbands. This wasn't the love I thought I would find, but it was the love I knew I wanted.

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