Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I checked my phone from a text from Sean. I couldn't be there but I've been keeping track of her progress.

"Daddy, I'm hungry."

I looked up and Joanna smiled at me from her place at the kitchen table. I hadn't heard her come in.

"Sure baby."

I looked around the kitchen and let out a sigh. The kitchen was a mess. As well as the living room. The room the girls had decided had to be a playroom, their room, and the bathroom. When I stopped to take a breath and even contemplate cleaning, the girls made another mess. I didn't know how Jade did it. Her place never looked like this. Hell, neither did the penthouse. Having Sean around made a huge difference. Together we could tag team the twins. They never got a chance to double up on us. Spending the entire weekend with just me and the girls had been amazing. It had also been very tiring. I had so much respect for Jade and all of the other single mothers.

After deciding that cooking was going to be too much work, I settled on making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

"Is Julianna hungry too?" I asked as I turned back to the table. Julianna was already seated next to her sister. They did that a lot this weekend. Just appear as if out of nowhere. They were just everywhere.

"Yes." Came the answering reply.

"Okay," I nodded.

I grabbed all of the fixings and made a sandwich for each one of them. I placed them on napkins and in front of them. Before I turned to start tackling the dishes I noticed Joanna just staring at her sandwich. Julianna reached for hers but stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want jelly," Joanna said.

"It's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." She looked at me and sighed. I turned to Julianna. "You don't want jelly either?"

"No, peanut butter."

It was my turn to sigh as I took the sandwiches back. I took the two peanut butter slices and slapped them together and did the same with the jelly slices. I handed them back to the girls. Julianna picked hers up and took a big bite. Joanna just huffed.

"It has jelly on it." Julianna quickly put her sandwich down.

I lowered my head in defeat. They were clearly testing me. What other reason could there be. Jade probably wasn't even really sick. Sean was likely in on it too. This was karma for some unknown terrible thing I did in the past. It had to be. This had been our song and dance all weekend. They didn't go down easy for bedtime and they certainly didn't want to sleep in their own beds. The room was completely unslept in. It had been strictly used as a second playroom. I slept cuddled by two small bodies. Bath time took longer than necessary and breakfast, lunch, and dinner... That was enough to explain the mess in the kitchen.

I sat the sandwiches off to the side and grabbed fresh bread and two knives. After making the sandwiches, I handed them back to the girls. Joanna happily grabbed hers and dug in, Julianna bit into hers but her eyes watched the sandwich she had started but discarded. I grabbed the sandwich and handed it to her and she dug in.

I filled the dishwasher and finished Joanna's unwanted sandwich. The girls wanted to play in the backyard, so we headed out. They ran over to the playground set that Sean had picked up. It had been delivered and set up on day one of our weekend and the girls couldn't get enough of it.

After some time we head back in because the girls have to use the bathroom. We set up in the living room to play and the front door opened. Sean walked in with Jade right behind him. The girls ran to first Sean and then happily to Jade. I got up from the couch and made my way over to Jade. I grabbed her face and kissed her deeply.

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