Chapter 5 Food glorious food

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*Izuku pov*

We walked in the mall with me walking behind Momo.

The building was big with many floors to accompany it. Each section was neatly labeled.
Food, cloths, restaurants, playgrounds for kids, you name it. But I already knew as I came here quite often with Momo or alone.

"So where do you want to go first? " The girl called Mina said excitedly.

"I think I'm hungry... " Uraraka and Hagakure said in unison.
"To the restaurants we go!"


We sat down on one of those eight facing eight tables so we could all take together.

"So what do you guys want to eat?" The waiter said with a smile on her face.

We already decided on what we wanted.
Jirou was having yakitori, Tsu and Hagakure was having a vegetarian sandwich, Uraraka was having mochi.
Mina was having natto and Momo was having a sweet chocolate cake while I was settled for a smaller serving of kastudon.
We all ordered our food, after a while our table was covered in lovely smelling dishes.

I was about to dig in into my Kastudon until Uraraka called my name.
"Yes Uraraka-san?"
"Can I have some of your kastudon? You can have some of my mochi if you agree, I've never tried kastudon before!"

"Ooh, then can I have some of you mochi too? I'll give you my natto!" Mina joined.

"Sure, here, take some from mine"

"Then Momo can I please have some of your chocolate cake? Hagaruke said putting her sleeves together.

"Guys why don't we all just give each other some of our food?" Jirou said doing a mental facepalm.

"Oh that's a good idea!" Momo said happily.


"Oh I'm full" Tsu said with her hand on her hips.

"But we didn't even eat much" said Jirou.

"I had most of a vegetable sandwich with a little bit of natto and stuff" she puffed.

I didn't feel stuffed. I didn't eat much intentionally, I didn't want to be blown up and heavy.

"I think kastudon is really nice! But it would be better sweeter though" Uraraka said smiling.

"Glad you like it!" I said happily,
Actually I think anything about kastudon made me happy.

The waiter came up to us with the bill.

"Oh, I'll pay" I said flipping through my wallet trying to get the right amount.

"No it fine I'll pay" Uraraka said taking out her wallet.

"No.. I will.."


Momo opened her mouth and said "Guys I can just pay-"

"NO!" both me and Uraraka practically shouted.
We glared at each other for a second before shooting at the waiter with money in our hands.

The confused and slightly scared waiter took the money closer to him which was sadly Uraraka's and quickly scurried off.

"Yes!" she said as if she had just won an award or something.

I huffed in anger.
Then I became aware that all the girls were staring at us.

"What?" I asked.

" I-um.. where should we go next" Mina said awkwardly, I wonder why.

"How about the cloths shop?" Momo said with a polite smile on her face.


Yakitori : Japanese version of skewered chicken.
Natto: A Japanese traditional food made from soybeans that have been fermented with Bacillus subtilis  var natto.
Mochi:  A Japanese rice cake made of mochigome.
Katsudon: Its a popular Japanese food, a bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried pork cutlet, egg, vegetables and condiments.

Calling a person their name using 'kun' or 'san' even if you just met them is normal in Japan, that's why I didn't make Uraraka surprised when Izuku called her Uraraka-san. Its like hes calling her Miss Uraraka, get it?

Bye now!

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