Chapter 17 The best slumber party kiss

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I sighed in frustration.

I have to kiss Shoto Todoroki due to a game of spin the bottle. Well, I feel screwed. I was also really nervous... Did I mention that this was my first kiss aswell? I've had a few crushes, but I've never pushed myself to actually have a relationship but it doesn't matter because it's not like I'll be in a relationship with Todoroki it's just one kiss... my first kiss..

"Soo.." Mina said awkwardly "Are you going to kiss or..."

"Um if your okay with it?" Todoroki said looking at me.
I nodded slightly and gave him a crooked smile, we both leaned in and Todoroki put his hand on my cheek right before we put our lips together for a split second and then quickly recoiled back into our seats blushing a bit.

And I wouldn't call what me and Todoroki just did a kiss because I feel like a kiss should be a lot more passionate. I guess I would call it a liptouching? I don't know, I have weird thoughts at times I'm sorry, wait why does that sound wrong-

Mina and the others started playing the game again with me and Todoroki shooting eachother occasional glances, most of them were unintentional. Then I noticed Momo was smirking at me, I raised an eyebrow and she mouthed to me,

"You looked kinda gay when you were kissing Todoroki"


After a few more rounds, we realized that it was a quarter before 11 o'clock (10:45), we all were starving but was so busy with the game we literally ignored our hunger.

"Ahh, man I'm hungry" Denki said stretching his arms. We were still sitting in a circle.

"Um... Yeah about that.. " Mina said nervously "Do any of you know how to cook?.. "

We all looked at eachother, it was obvious from the looks on our faces we didn't know.
"Um I can make dishes by pulling it out with my quirk but I haven't quite gotten the used to it so I don't know either"

"Why dont we order food" Jirou suggested.

Mina smiled on hearing this, she whipped out her phone and said,

"Okay, what do you guys want to eat? I'll pay"

Some of us went for pizza, others went for rice and noodles and stuff like that. I decided to get some Miso soup as I have had a salty craving at the moment.

Now, All we have to do is wait.. "


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