Chapter 8 Good fashion taste!

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*Izuku pov*

"Hey Deku-kun? " Uraraka asked walking up to me with a few cloths in her hands.

I was standing next to Momo as she looked through the jewelry section

"Um,Which do you think looks better? " she asked comparing a white below the knee dress and a pink jumper with a floral designs on it.

Now I didn't know much about fashion but after helping Momo with her cloths because she always wore way too much for any occasion.. I've learned a few things.

"One minute" I said to Uraraka who had a confused face as I went to a rack and picked out a dark yellow latin dress.

As I took the dress out of the rack I noticed two pairs of eyes staring at me. One pair was from a boy with short blonde hair and the other one had purple balls stuck to his head for hair.

Momo was friends with the blonde one but she didn't like the purple headed one. She once told me he was a huge perv and tried to hook up with her

"Gross" I thought as I put the dress back on the rack. I really wanted to expose them but I didn't cause they were having so much fun and I didn't want to ruin that by calling them out. Also considering how I glared at them like that and they still didn't go I doubt they would leave.

I went to the next rack and took a sleeveless baby pink slightly above-the-knee dress and a black beret, walked back to Uraraka and Momo and took a necklace to match.

"I think this will look good" I said and handed her the clothes

"I- this will look nice, thank you!" Uraraka said putting the other sets of clothes on their original racks.

" Wait- how much does this cost though-?" Before she could check the price tag and diverted her center of attention.

"I'm sure it doesn't cost much, right Momo?" I said giving Momo the look.

"O-oh sure I'm sure it doesn't cost much Uraraka-san" she seemed to understand my look as she quickly took the cloth from Uraraka.

"Actually I'll pay for it now" Momo said and quickly stepped to the nearest paycheck counter.

"Why can't we all pay for everything together once we all are done? " Uraraka questioned

"Um well what happens of something get spilled on it? It's best to pay for it now and make sure it stays safe" Momo said as quickly as possible and walked away.

"Ok..? " Uraraka mumbled

"She does have a point though" I said

" I mean I guess... Well anyway, thanks for helping me" she said and walked off.

I sighed in relief, if she had seen the price tag something told me that she would've freak even though it wasn't much money for Momo.

*****WITH MOMO******
She gave took out her wallet and pulled out a few yen. She for the lady to finish the packing.
"Oh that reminds me I still have to get the suit for Izuku"
"What? "
"Oh, excuse me"
I know I should focus on the actual plot but this kinda helping you know the personality of this AU Izuku.

Oh, read the next chapter to find out what Izuku looks in a suit or tux (haven't decided yet)
After that last chapter we will move to the real plot.

Bye now (v)

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