Chapter 28 Who's top👀

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Breakfast was quiet, nobody really tried to make conversation, they were probably trying to figure out how they are going to tell them that we knew.

"Why are y'all quiet today?" Kirishima asked gulping a huge pancake piece, like at least chew it man. "And these pancakes are delicious Midobro!" he said scarfing another one.

"Thank you.. " I said surprised the nickname, but honestly not caring.
People call me a lot of things like honey, dear, Izuku, Deku-kun, Izuku-dear, nerd, quirkless idiot, you know the usual.

"Okay seriously why are y'all quiet?"

Nobody spoke.

"Oi you shits deaf? Can you hear?" said making a loud clanging noise as he cut his food.

I awkwardly looked to my food and cut another piece before I heard Denki say "Heard you two fucking last night"

"Why did I always get into the worst situations possible?"

"HAHH?!!" Bakugo preached.

Some choked on pancake pieces, including me, others on water and even air.
Bakugo dropped his knife and fork into the plate from shock and Kirishima was choking on air, I swallowed  the pancake in a  flash and checked on Momo who was coughing on some water.

I tried to help but she smiled weakly at me signalling she was fine. I looked at the others check if anyone couldn't breathe properly,
Uraraka seemed fine, but her mouth was gaped open with her eyes were bulging out, so she looked perfectly be like a meme.
I looked over to Todoroki who was covering his mouth and squeezing the glass cup, just as I was about to stand up from my chair, he released his hand from his mouth and gulped down some water.

Jirou and Mina seemed fine and Iida, Tsu and Sero were drinking water.
So everybody was ok, I turned my attention back to a blank Denki and a shocked Bakugo and Kirishima.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY PIKACHU?!" Bakugo screeched.

"Oh my Allmight" I thought as I covered my ears with my hands.

Denki flinched a bit but he said "We heard everything"

"HAHHH?!?!!" he screeched again as I accepted the ear plugs Momo offered me.

"YOU HEARD NO FUCKING CRAP OKAY?! AND I'M TALKING TO ALL OF YOU!" he yelled as he stood up from his chair. The ear plugs were not working.

"Bakugo calm down" Kirishima yelled and somehow made him sit back in his chair and keep quiet and bit his lip. "So...know you guys know.. "

I could sense the nervousness in his voice.  He seemed scared to face our reactions.
I'm not really sure why, from the one week I've known this class it didn't seem like anyone was homophobic.

Mina seemed to sense it too. She smiled softly spoke,
"I don't know how I didn't notice you two did always did act a bit gay with each other."

"ASHIDO!" Iida yelled.

Mina giggled and suddenly her face morphed to a shocked expression, then she grinned like a maniac. She snagged her phone from the dining table and started typing.

"Ashido don't use the phone at the table!" Iida said doing hand chops.

"One minute.. " Mina said her eyes fixed on the phone screen.

"Huh?" Denki asked.

"Oh sorry it's just that I had this on my bucket list.. "

"I... don't get it" Kirishima said.

"Having two gay friends is apart of your bucket list?" Jirou asked.

"No, but hearing two best friends do stuff is!" she said and smiled as Bakugo and Kirishima turned pink.

"That's..kinda strange for a bucket list" I said raising a brow.

"Yeah, but I really wanted to hear it atleast once in my life" she mused.

"So are you all ok with this?" Kirishima asked looking at us.

"I am not entirely ok with the fact.. " Iida began.

".. That this is happening while you two are going through your hero training course, I would appreciate it if you two vow that this will not interfere with your education"

"Umm.. Okay?" Kirishima said as he looked at Bakugo, "As if I'd let that happen" he grunted.

"When did you two get together?" Momo said with a smile.


"Uh.. " he said looking away evading my glare.

I felt the rooms aura I change a bit.

Iida cleared his throat and began to speak, diverting my attention and breaking the glare.

"I'm quite curious though, when did you two begin your relationship? You don't have to answer as I respect your privacy"  Iida said adjusting his glasses.

"A month ago" Kirishima said with a smile as Bakugo just clicked his tounge.

"A MONTH I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T NOTICE WHAT THE F-" Mina yelled before getting cut of by Denki "AND NOW TIME FOR THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION" he began with a malicious smile.

"So who's top?" he said grinning making Bakugo and Kirishima turn a bright shade of red.

"I think Bakugo is top cause I don't think he'd give up his pride to be a bottom." Sero said scratching his chin.

"Yeah.. also Bakugo is taller than Kirishima so he's probably top" Denki said. He looked as if he was doing some big brain math.

I scoffed "Height means nothing in sex" I thought.

Then I noticed it. Bakugo had a bite mark, it was hard to see as it was mostly covered by his shirt, but it was noticeable.
I also remembered how he limped a bit when he walked in the room and how Kirishima seemed completely fine. LIKE ALL THE HINTS WERE JUST COMING TO ME!

"Kirishima on top, wanna bet" I said confidently which was fairly strange as I was usually doubtful of many things.

Denki seemed surprised but he quickly fixed his face into a grin.

"How much? I can pay 1000 yen" he said without his grin leaving his face.

"I can do 1300" I said calmly.

"You sure?"

I nodded.

"Alright then, Bakugo on top bet?"



Thank you for reading this chapter, please vote or follow me!💕

1000 words.. I have an exam tomorrow..fuck my life.

This was kind of an apology for giving you guys less chapters every week, also here's a bonus:

"Oi you shits deaf? Can you hear?" Bakugo said making a clanging noise as he cut his food, he then proceeded to eat it and scold me on how I should of added more spice.... Does he know what pancakes are supposed to taste like?


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