Chapter 22 A sleepy Todoroki and a blushing Izuku

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I woke up to the feeling of something warm and cuddly.
I looked up and realized I was sleeping on Todoroki and he was resting his head on my head a was asleep.
I controlled myself from snapping my neck back in the right position as that would make him wake up and that would be very awkward.

I gently pushed his head to the sofa board and exhaled in relief. My stomach was in knots and I was bright red, I could tell.
I took my phone out of my pockets and checked the time.

It was 4:59. Usually I would go back to sleep to cherish that one last minute of sleep but not today.

I put my phone back in it's respectful place and tried to remember what happened last night.

I must've fell asleep at 2:00 am in the morning.
Deadpool 2 finished at 1:50 am but we didn't want to know whether Bakugo and Kirishima was finished or not so we put on another one, halfway through I started blacking out.

Momo was asleep on Jirou's lap, Denki, Mina, Tsu, Iida was long gone, Jirou was handling the remote by the way.
Uraraka was trying her best to stay awake because she really wanted to watch Pirates of the Caribbean but she was miserably failing. Ans Sero had gotten a stomach ache from the Pizza and was out like a light when movie 3 had started.
And I couldn't tell whether Hagakure was asleep or not.

I tried to get up from bed but an arm snaked around my waist.
Soon Todoroki pulled me into his arms with one arm around my waist and another cradling my shoulders.

I was deep red in color right now. I looked to his face which was now resting peacefully on on my shoulder and was breathing hot air on my neck.

He was smiling so beautifully, not to mention, he was so warm and did a much better job at being warm than my blanket.

I felt heavy again and my eyelids began to droop and soon enough I blacked out again in his arms.


I opened my eyes again and sighed.
Todoroki was still asleep hugging me. I checked my phone again, 7:28.
I had to get up, firstly, Momo, secondly, my workout!, thirdly, my job.


I had to post this twice and unpublish it cause of some problems.
This is the proper version it's quite similar but still.


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