Chapter 20 Haha pizza go brrrrr

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"Bakubro stop it!"

I blinked my eyes back to reality, now Bakugo was toned down a bit thanks to Kirishima and Todoroki was right to be talking back at Bakugo trying to make him stop and protecting me.
I may have blushed a bit at this.

"Back of Bakugo, let Midoriya be"


And again, my anger started boiling but I didn't move or flinch. This was Mina's house and I promised her that I wouldn't get in a fight"


"Jeez, do you really want my attention that badly" I hissed unconsciously.

Then I realized I said that that and looked at Bakugo who was shocked, Mina was laughing a bit and Denki was recording.

Then I looked at Todoroki who was smiling then he broke into a giggle.
And AHHHH, when I say giggle I meant one of the most- no, the most beautiful laugh I had ever heard, LIKE IT WAS SO CUTE AND PEACEFUL AND AHH I'M SO GAY-

Todoroki finally realized he was giggling and put his hand over his mouth.....I wanted to hear him laughing a bit more...

Then I remembered Bakugo existed, I turned my eyes back at him. His eyebrows furrowed and miniature explosions came from his hands.


Saved by the door bell, Iida checked his watch "Oh, it must be the pizza delivery-"

"I'LL GET IT!" I said jumping of the floor.

Right now what I needed the most is a ticket out of this.

I walked past Bakugo trying not to punch him in the nose when he said "fucker" under his breath.

I stopped infront of the door,
"Why is it every time I go somewhere I get into a fight" I thought and sighed.

I opened the door, a girl, actually I'm not sure it was kinda hard to tell.
They had long hair, a bulky torso and shoulders but very feminine hands and legs. It was very hard to tell.

"Sir your pizza" said a voice which was neither feminine or masculine.

"Ah, thank you" I said taking the box from them.
I put it on the table next to the door as they gave me the bill,

I pulled out yen from my wallet and handed it to them along with the bill pocket folder thing, I'm pretty sure it's called a... I don't know actually..

"Thank you" They said and bowed at 45° and walked off onto their bike as I closed the door.
I walked back to living room where everyone else was.

"Wait- you paid?!" Mina asked.

"Yeah and?" I replied.

"In a slumber party the host is usually supposed to pay for things.. "

She them looked at the pizza which was radiating an amazing smell all over the room.

"But I ain't complaining" she said with a grin.
I laughed and handed her the box "You can do the honors" I said as I sat back on my seat.

Mina grinned harder and ripped the box open inhaling the smell deeply.

"Ahh... that smells sooo good"


Surprise, I updated early today! I got extra screen time today!💚

Thank you for reading this chapter,
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Shout out to FeiyaLi and dinotears❤❤❤


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