Additional post, black main.

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Midoriya and Todoroki have gone through something I'd like to call 'The black main'. This is like an ocean full of all your frustrations fears, problem, disturbing memories and trauma.

When inside you feel trapped, unable to breathe and suffocated. Like all you want to do is just cry and scream for everything to stop and go away. In most cases this leads to suicide and physical as well as mental self-abuse.

Many have learned to shut it and keep it inside hoping to walk through it like a sandstorm, but you can't just walk out of it like that. Instead it grows on to you like a cancer cell, slowly multiplying to cover you completely, pulling you deeper in.

When completely within, this is usually when a person cries out in plea, understanding that they can't take any more.
They begin fighting, trying to swim to the surface for air.
But sadly in most cases they never reach.

If you ever encounter a situation like this; in one when they actually beg you in some way or another that they need someone, please interfere in their situation, because when they ask you that, it is usually because they can't handle it all. They are laying on the ocean bed of the black main and are holding on to their dear final breaths.

And of course if you yourself is going through something like this, I recommend telling someone you know will understand what you're going through, and can help in the best ways.

And sometimes you know you can get through something alone and just need to vent a bit for relief, then just tell someone and make them understand that you can get through it and you just need some love and support❤️

Feel free to message me if you ever want to talk, vent and ramble.  Just go ahead and use me as a diary with no filter needed. Swearing is okay too, probably cause I do it quite often.

Love you, very much. And I'm telling you; to me, your very valid🖤💜

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