Chapter 32 Why?

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I walked through the U.A halls. I was supposed to accompany Momo as today was Saturday and she wanted to see her parents, but I had decided to follow some strange noises(which didn't sound like sex by the way) as I wanted to make sure things are okay and I followed it till I reached a back room.

Now that I was a step away from the closed door I could hear things a lot more clearly. There was two voices, an elder male and a younger one which didn't talk much. They were saying something like "I refuse stop trying" "Stop this nonsense and use your fire already shoto!"

My blood ran cold. Shoto? As in Shoto Todoroki? That did sound like Endeavour and Todoroki..

I shook my head, I shouldn't be eavesdropping. And the argument didn't seem too tensed anyway. I breathed a bit and turned around before I heard a loud shout and the sound of slapped skin.


My instincts kicked in and I slammed the door open and saw a unpleasant sight. Todoroki had a hand on his right cheek while a flaming Endeavour was angrily staring had him. His face soon morphed from anger to shock.

" My creation.." he whispered before I pulled out a tranquilliser syringe that I had luckily tucked into my jacket's sleeve beforehand when I was getting ready to go to the Yaoyorozu household. His body froze before passing out with all the fire dancing on him withered away.

I looked at Todoroki who was staring at me in shock still holding his face.

"Are you okay" I asked after scanning him for any other injuries or any bruises from past injuries.

"I'm..I'm fine" he said and shook his head dismissively. His eyes fell on his father's unmoving body.

"Did you kill him?" He said wide-eyes.

Panic shot through my body. "N-no! I just hit him with a tranquilliser serum .." I said and waved my hands.

"Oh.." I swear he looked a bit sad when I said his father wasn't dead.

"Um.. if you don't mind me asking what was going on?" I asked politely.

He sighed and spoke "I'm just having an argument with my father over my quirk because I refuse to use it."

He clenched his fists and sat down on a bench that was unsymmetrical and dusty.

I looked away from him as I felt a bit awkward and sat down next to him.

"I'm not trying to pry but why don't you use your work?"

I saw a flash of anger in his eyes but they were soon covered by strands of white and red hair as he tilted his head lower.

"Because it's his, I got my fire from him" he said in disgust and anger, his usual smooth voice was now cracked and raspy.

Him? As in Endeavour? He wasn't being to specific when he said 'him'.

"I'm not sure who your talking about but I think it's Endeavour, if that's the case then you may of inherited it from him but it belongs to you, you get to control what you do with it" I said and looked at him.

He sat there motionless, unmoving. He lifted his head back up to reveal his usual emotionless now slightly upset and on the verge of losing a tear.

"Wha-I'm so sorry!" I panicked again.

I tried to comfort him but he flinched. I am immediately took this as a sign that he did not want to be touched and pulled back keeping a distance between us.

I didn't want to leave him. Not at this state. But it felt like he didn't want me there. Like he was a bit scared of the kindness I was trying to show him.

I sat there unsure whether to leave, I didn't want to ask and remind him of my presence. It was probably best to leave, and it seemed he'd prefer being alone.

"You can talk you me anytime if you want to.." I said not really expecting a reply.
I stood up and started to walk away. I reached the door and glanced at him; still in the same position and telling by the rapid movements of his body, ragged and heavy breathing. I took a breath in myself and exhaled out.

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