Chapter 11 Everywhere

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Izuku woke up as the familiar sound of his alarm clock rang.
His eyes blinked open as he stretched his neck.

Waking up at 4:00 am every morning made Izuku definitely one of the earliest awake in the Yaoyorozu household.

He got out of bed in his shorts and shirt, he put on his shoes and ran a hand through his messy fluffy hair.

He began his normal morning routine,

Exercising to 7:00, then taking a bath after sweating much, attempting to comb his hair and then failing, then finally sitting on his bed remembering what there was to today.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, today he was going to start going to Momo's school UA.
Her father wanted him to go with her to confirm full safety, especially when they just announced that they have dorms.

He put on my usual work suit and walked out of his room.

He saw in the dining room Mr Yaoyorozu staring at the newspaper ignoring the coffee next to him.

"Ah! Izuku" He said noticing Izuku standing by the door.

"Come here" He said pointing to the newspaper.
Izuku took a peep at the paper and joined Mr Yaoyorozu in the staring.

Right there, in big print at the very front there was a picture him captioned "YOUNG BOY SAVES MALL WITH HELP OF UA STUDENT"

"Mind telling me what happened yesterday at the mall Izuku?" he asked.

Flashbacks of yesterday flooded Izuku's mind.
How he drugged a villian,
how he got slightly offended by Denki's question and how the guard thanked him and asked him whether he had a permit for those weapons(which he said yes of course he's literally Momo's bodyguard) and how the girls were angry at Mineta and Denki for stalking them and lastly how they went home in the very end.

"It's.. A long story" was the only thing Izuku pulled out of his mouth.

Mr Yaoyorozu sighed and said "Whatever happened, I believe you were protecting Momo?"

Izuku nodded.

Mr Yaoyorozu smiled and said,

"There isn't a problem then. Was there much damage?"

"Not too much, the guards there said they could handle it and thanked me cause my plan created much less damage then the one they were working on."

Mr Yaoyorozu smiled once again and them went into a thought.

"Since your going to go to UA with Lady Yaoyorozu now, this might cause unwanted fame, despite that I still want your centre of attention on Lady Yaoyorozu"

"Yes sir" Izuku said and bowed slightly.

"Good" He said "Can you check on her now?"

I walked out of the dining room heading to Momo's

"But how did it go viral overnight?"


Izuku walked to Momo's room. Right outside the door he checked the watch.

"7:40" he saw, he knocked on Momo's door.
"Momo? Izuku asked.

No response.

".. Momo..?" Izuku asked again.
Again no response. Izuku was a bit worried as usually Momo answered on the first call.

"Momo?!"  "I'm coming in!" He said opening the door.

White walls, a shining bed with golden divans and stand curtains, numerous pictures on the wall, a study area, a huge cupboard and lastly a open door leading to the bathroom.
But no Momo.

"Maybe she's just somewhere else in the house..?"He mumbled.

"Izuku?" A voice said softly outside.

His eyes perked up, he walked, or rather, jogged out.
But the voice who had called him wasn't paying attention to him, but she was staring at her phone screen.

"Momo are you okay?"

"Izuku.." She said flipping over her phone for him too see.

He saw the same words he saw on the newspaper followed by length of videos and a bunch of videos people must've took while he was handling that guy.

Hell, one person had it in high quality and added a song, Nicki Minaj's second rap verse in Hey Mama. And it suited really suited the video actually.

"Wow" Momo said "That spread quickly didn't it?"

"Yeah.. It was on the front pages of the newspaper as well.." He said not trying to boast.

"Seriously?, thats nice" Momo said smiling " I need to get ready for school, don't forget your coming with me from today onwards"

"I know" Izuku said

"Class begins at 8:40, we should get there by 8:25"

"I know, Kikuchi told me all about your school schedule"

"Oh... Well I'm going to get ready, if your ready then go eat your breakfast and wait for me at the car please! This shouldn't take to long. "

She went into her room and shut the door leaving Izuku standing outside.

He smiled and walked downstairs to eat his breakfast.


Thank you for reading this chapter, I have two new stories coming soon. Follow me so you don't miss it!


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