Chapter 26 Ah shit here we go again

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(That pic is bomb tho-)

It must have been a strange sight, a blank Todoroki which had flour on one side, water soaked into his jeans and one of the ends of his jeans on fire.

A shocked me holding 2 glasses of water and a bag of wheat flour under my arm.

But it didn't matter much as that was already taken care of. Now I was making the last pancake.

Momo was setting the table even though I told her many times that I could do it by myself.
After a minute or two, Uraraka, Jirou, Iida, Denki and Todoroki had offered to help so now they were talking in the dining room setting it aswell.

The mess had been cleaned up as me, Tsu, Sero and Denki quickly fixed it up.
Several seconds later Todoroki had snapped out of his daze, which was met with several questions. Todoroki apologized and excused himself to take a bath, leaving all the questions and unanswered.

I walked out of the kitchen "Hello?"I asked.

"Yes Izuku?" said Momo. The others looked at me.

"Okay...Jirou, Todoroki it will be helpful if you guys could take the pancakes which I finished making the kitchen counter and put it on the table"

They both nodded.

"Iida, I need you to tell everyone who isn't here yet that breakfasts ready please"

Iida shoot up and "Okay Midoriya! I will begin now".
He dashed with his boosters followed by some shouting.

"Kamanari, I want you to wake up Bakugo and Kirishima"

"What?" He whined.

"Well, you seem pretty close with them, so I thought it would be a lot less uncomfortable..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah but that's the thing.. I'm their bro, and I don't know what I should do when I see my bro's s like that.." he said emphasizing the 'that' part.

I groaned mentally.

"Is there anything else I can do?" he asked me, I looked at him and looked at the kitchen.

"..go get some whipped cream, syrup and butter..try not to eat any on the way"

"Yay!" he said as he hopped from his chair and walk to the kitchen.
I look back at the others, only Todoroki and Uraraka was left.

"So whos gonna wake them up?"I asked eying them both.

Uraraka started speaking first
"I can't, because I am a girl and you know.." her face flushed up a bit when she said the last part I nodded and turned to Todoroki,

"How about you?"

He looked me in the eye and said in monotone "My relationship with Bakugo is quite like rivalry, not really friends with Kirishima"
I nodded. This ment, I had to go wake them up..great, just great.

"Todoroki, Uraraka,get a jug of water and put it on the table" they nodded and I stood up, I began to walk upstairs.

I reached the room, they slept in, took a breath,

"Here we go.." I thought and knocked on door.


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My mother came home today!
Hopefully she doesn't see my wattpad account....😅


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