Chapter 25 THIS BOY IS ON FIRE~~~

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(I'd call him daddy,Dekudaddy)

Mina came into the room, she looked fresh and was wearing a crop top, high shorts and converses.

"Alright, so what do you want to buy again?"

"7 eggs and a carton of milk" I looked inside her fridge, there was syrup, but no whipped cream,
"And if you can, some whipped cream" I said and looked at Mina.

"Alright, you can count on me!" she said, saluted and marched off.
I smiled and went back to making pancakes, I had made about 13 by now, hopefully by the time I finished 16 pancakes, Mina will be back.

Everybody was awake, except Sero who had woken up again at 3 or something to puke, Todoroki which I'm guessing is just not a morning person and Bakugo and Kirishima who are still up stairs.
Only Allmight knows if they're up yet.

I heard a loud banging noise behind me and I immediately turned to stove off with one hand and my other hand circling, a very small yet very sharp knife that I carried around with me all the time inside a house.
If I was outside, I usually have a dart gun or one of my favourite knifes which was a lot bigger and sharper.

I have to admit what I turned around to see, I was not expecting.

A stumbling half conscious Todoroki, he looked at me and began shuffling towards me.
I snorted when I saw his hair.

"I-i apologize" I said covering my mouth, trying not to laugh.
He didn't seem like he heard me and stared at the pancakes.

"Oh right" I thought as I transmitted the pancake from the pan to a plate, turned on the stove again and poured some batter on the reheated pan.

Todoroki stared at the pancakes for a bit longer and looked at me and said,

"Are you making pancakes for breakfast?"
I nodded, I wanted to pat his hair.

He nodded and bowed a bit whispering "Thank you" and started shuffling away.



I told him to look at the reflection in the refrigerator,
I held a small laugh as his eyes widened.
A blush filled his face, pink on one side and red on the other.

"Oh.." he said as he tried to his best to fix his split pokemon ball hair,
I giggled and went back to making pancakes.
Then I start to smell something burning.

"Dangit!" I said outloud as I put the pancake over the plate, but it wasn't burned at all,
Actually it was a perfect honey brown color and smelled delicious,
but if it wasn't the pancake...

"DOUBLE DANGIT!" I yelled turning back and seeing the sight of Todoroki.

He was on fire, literally.

I turned off the stove, not wanting any gas leak or anything even related to that,
I looked back and analyzed the situation, my instincts were kicking in to try help him without a plan, but I contained myself.

Half of him was on fire so I'm guessing the reason he was on fire was because of his quirk.
He seemed that he couldn't control his quirk, so I would have to fix this mess by myself before anything else catches on fire.
I grabbed wheat flour, which was a lot thicker and clumpy than normal flour and literally poured half of it on him.

There wasn't much flour, so technically I only forward half a jugs amount of flour, but it was enough to cut off most of the oxygen supply, so the fires calmed down.

His legs were still on fire and was burning his pants off so I filled two glasses of water and splashed it on his knees and thighs.

I suddenly heard more than two pairs of lungs.

I looked at the door and Momo, Jirou, Denki, Tsu and Mina were all just staring at me.

Denki had one hand with electric volts zapping in it while Momo had a fire extinguisher and Tsu was holding a bucket of water with her tongue.


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Sorry this chapter stops suddenly but I made a rule that I shouldn't go more than 700 words when I write a chapter.


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