Chapter 19 Backstory~

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It was a cold day with a relaxing breeze.
The sky was tinted with honey lemon and a dark pink hue.
And a slightly setting sun indicated soon it would be dark as a few light shafts scattered over the city making the greenery seem surreal, though my mind was not as peaceful as my surroundings.

I didn't get accepted to U.A, I tried to train my body but I was still too physically vulnerable to be accepted.

Since I couldn't go to U.A, I decided I need to figure out my life. My first option was to be a police classmates mocked me and said I could never be one.
Then I attempted the medical community, same response...
I tried becoming a psychiatrist, a teacher, even a CRIME SCENE ASSISTANT!
Every time I was told I should give up, how is need a quirk and how I shouldn't even try waking up every day.

I cried into my hand. I didn't know what to do with my life anymore.
I tried everything but all of them failed. And even if I did go with the options in mind back then, I still needed a side job so I could start earning money for college, high school fees and to support Mama.

I cried harder into my hand as I flipped through my quirk book #35.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

I looked up immediately. I saw a lady in her late 30's looking at me with a pitiful smile.
I realised that she had seen me crying and quickly wiped my tears away.

"I-I'm fine" I stammered and smiled.

"You don't look okay" I knew that I'm guessing that my hair was wilder than usual, my eyes must have been puffy and red from crying. My face morphed from a smile to a frown.

She sat next to me and looked at my book. She looked shocked and she asked a bit nervously "May I see?"

I hesitated for a second but doubted she would do any harm, I handed my book to over to her and smiled bit hoping she wouldn't do any harm to it.
She took the book and flipped through a few pages "W-Woah" she said with an astonished grin on her face. "Did you do all of this?"

I looked at her for a second and nodded slowly.
Her grin became even wider (of that was possible).

"Your observation skills are extraordinary" I smiled at the compliment.

"Thank you"

"But why we're you crying?" she asked, she seem genuinely worried.
I looked at her considering whether I should trust her,
but even if I did, it's not like she could take away anything except my life if she's a murderer and either way that is bound to be taken sooner or later.

"I'm not sure what to do.." I said finally venting in such a long time " I want to take a profession but my classmates don't support me with literally anything, and I need a side job but no one is hiring me"


The rest I'll post tomorrow, I'm tired and my final exams start on March 2nd so again I won't be posting much. And the reason all the words are in italic is because it's a flashback.

The italic flashback dialogue thing will only be there for the backstory chapters.

Bye, 💜🖤

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