Chapter 27 Extra pancakes?! Ya'll generous

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I reached the room they slept in and took a breathe. "Here we go" I thought and knocked on the door.

It took a few seconds before I heard some whispering.
The whispering faltered and footsteps followed. There door cracked open to show an opening just big enough for me to see Kirishima's eyes and forehead.

"Oh uh hi dude!" Kirishima trying to be enthusiastic but I saw through, he was obviously nervous.

"I finished baking pancakes for breakfast can you  and Bakugo come downstairs to eat?" I said trying to divert my attention from the black lump of clothing which seemed to be a pair of men's clothing.

"Yeah sure, me and Bakubro will come after a while"

"Yeah" I thought "you sure smell like it". The smell of sex was drifting into my nostrils.. It was strong too..RIP my sense of smell.

"Ok the others our probably already eating by now, bye" I said taking back a few steps to leave the conversation.

"Okay bye" he shut the door. Finally some peace for my nose.
I walked downstairs and saw the others, they haven't touched their food yet.

"Is something wrong?" I said and sat down. I examined the pancakes, they seemed fine.

"Me and Momo convinced them that we should only eat once all of us are together

I looked over to Momo she was carefully zigzagging her pancakes with syrup adding a dop of whipped cream.

"But we are so hungry!" Mina whined, she had poured a large amount of syrup on her pancakes and no topping, Denki was the opposite he had only added a bit of syrup on the edges and the centre was layered with cream.
"Can we please eat now?" Denki huffed.

"No." Both Iida and Momo said in sync.

And Mina, Denki, that is an extremely unhealthy amount of sugar, please refrain from using so much syrup and cream next time Iida followed.

"I don't think we have to wait, Kirishima said that he and Bakugo were going to take some time to come downstairs" I mused.

"That would take maybe 10 minutes" Todoroki said as he watched a piece of butter melt into his pancake syrup.

"The food will probably be cold by then" I commented.

"So then can we please eat then?" Tsu begged.

Momo sighed, "Well I am a bit starved, Iida what do you think?"

"Well usually I wouldn't allow this but I am at no place to starve my classmates, we may begin eating I suppose"

I smiled and began to dig in to my pancake but stopped, I had two extra pancakes.

"Huh?" I said outloud, "Um I think this was divided wrong"

"No it isn't" Uraraka said and smiled at me. "Me and Todoroki wanted to thank you for making the food so we gave some from our plate to yours" she said and smiled harder. Todoroki nodded his eyes not leaving the almost completely melted butter.

"Iida and Denki wanted to give you some too but Momo said you never eat much in the mornings so..." Uraraka mused.

I was suprised. "Well thats true.." I looked at Momo, she smiled and handed me the syrup.

"I don't think ill eat this much also I do then you two will only have 1 each so no" I said as I put a pancake each back on the side of their plates. I watched as they both took their knives and cut the pancakes I had just put back on their plates and put it on my plate again.

"E-eh?" I said confused.

"If you won't take two then take half and that's final" Uraraka said sternly glaring at me.

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it when I saw Kirishima walk in the room with Bakugo behind him.

"Hi guys!"


Thank you for reading this chapter, please vote and follow me

My posting timing is going to be screwed up more due to multiple reasons (final exams, I need to give my mom attention and my dad is taking back my screen time)

Bye <3

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