Chapter 4 Behind the shadows~

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"Dude its been forever" Denki said impatiently "How do you even know when their coming?"

"Uh..well you see...I..don't" Mineta said hesitantly.  


"Shhhh, someone might hear you"

"What the hell man, what if they already came in the morning or something" he said whispering but clearly annoyed.

"No way, just think about it, everybody gets up late on Saturday, afternoons are too warm and nights are dangerous" he said defending himself. "Evening is the best time!"

"Yeah you do have a point, but what if-"

"SSSHHH DUDE LOOK!" Mineta said whisper-shouting while pointing to a group of people which happened to be the girls of class 1A, except for this boy with a mob of green hair, big green eyes and a black suit,they didn't recognize him but I bet you did.

*********WITH THE GIRLS********************
"I am so sorry!! Mina said apologetically.

"Though I seriously cant believe you forgot to tell us when" Jirou teased.

"Hey I said I was sorry!"

"And I never said I was blaming you~" Jirou said in a hum.

"Okay this is cute and all" Uraraka said and giggled. "But Momo,when are you properly going to introduce us to your friend?"

"Yeah! I thought this was going to be a girls only trip! No offense though!" Hagakure said to Momo and Izuku.

"Sorry I didn't tell you all, Izuku is my bodyguard and my father said that if I go he has to come with me to ensure my safety"

Izuku bowed gracefully, " Hello, I believe you all are Momo's friends"

"Jeez, you look so cute but act so serious Izuku" Mina said teasing him just a bit.

He blushed a bit on being called cute "Please don't call me cute, and I would prefer it if you called me Midoriya or....."    he couldn't think of any nicknames as all the ones he was given was to insult him. He thought on it for a second and decided Deku, his middle school insult name,  He didn't like that name much, but Momo thought it was a lovely name despite how his former classmates used it.
Izuku thought letting them call him Deku might make Momo pleased. "...Deku"  Momo smiled gently when she heard that, she was happy Izuku was finally getting over his past.

"Hello Deku-kun I'm Ochako Uraraka! Its nice to meet you! Oh! And this is Tsu!
"Hi" Tsu croaked.
"Hey, I'm Kyoka Jirou" Jirou said calmly,

"Mina Ashido!" she said and gave Izuku a big toothy smile.
"Toru Hagakure" she said and winked, well, I think she did.
"" Izuku said confused trying to keep track of who was who.
He wasn't used to this much socializing as usually he was ignored right after he was introduced so you can't really say he was the best social bean, especially when there's a bunch of people talking to him all at the same time.

"Girls stop, said Momo laughing, your overwhelming him!"
"Oops! Sorry about that Deku-kun!" Uraraka said sheepishly.

"I-its okay" he said and formed an adorable somewhat crooked smile.

All the girls stared at him surprised and grinning, while Momo was trying her best not to laugh.

"...what?" Izuku said confused

"you were smiling" Tsu said and giggled.

CRUD, IZUKU WAS CARELESS AND SHOWED THEM THE REAL CINNAMON ROLL IZUKU INSTEAD OF THE USUAL SERIOUS ONE! He quickly put his blank serious face back on but it was too late, the girls had seen everything and they were loving every part of it.
"Deku its too late we already saw it" Mina smiled
"Yeah, and you should really smile more, you look so.." she paused as she remembered Izuku telling them not to call him cute "..really really close too cute but not cute!" Uraraka said.

Momo couldn't take it anymore, she snickered.
"Hey!" Izuku groaned.

"Pffttt-- I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything else to say" Uraraka said in the middle of laughing, soon enough all of them were laughing due to Deku's and Uraraka's remark. All until Mina clapped her hands making them all stiffen their backs.

"Alright, I know we are having fun an all but if we don't go now we will spend all our time forgetting the main reason we came here in the first place!"

"Okay but one more thing, Tsu is your quirk being a frog?"

"Yep! Why?" she croaked.

"Um, you see.." Izuku said nervously, "I love to study quirks do you think I could study yours?"

"Oh sure, not now though, now come on lets go inside we've been here for like half an hour."                        

"Huh, That Izuku dude seems to be getting a lot of attention from the girls huh?....Dude? Mineta?" He turned around to see angry tears flowing down Mineta's cheeks.

"MINETA?! DUDE YOU OKAY?!" Denki asked concerned.

"Hes so lucky dammit... he gets to hang out with Momo and her big boobs everyday, and all the girls are giving him so much attention...Uraraka never calls me cute!! That... that lucky bastard...

Denki be like: 👁👄👁

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