Chapter 21 Uh..Kirishima, Bakugo? You gucci?

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We all started to dig into our pizza slices.
There was two slices for each person. You may think it's a bit small for breakfast..

Bit I'm telling you, the size of the pizza was huge, originally Mima had planned to order 2 pizza's but when I pointed out how big the size of the pizza was we all decided that one pizza was best.

"WAIT!" Mina yelled "DON'T EAT IT YET"

"Crud." I thought, I had already taken two bites.

"Let's watch a movie while we eat"

"I think the fuck not!" Bakugo said and stood up. "It's 11pm, night idiots."

"Aw... Your not gonna watch a movie with us?" Mina said pouting.

"Nah.. " Bakugo said. Then I realized he had literally ate his pizza slices in 10 seconds..

"So, what are we watching" Kirishima said as he swallowed a whole pizza slice.

"What I the world..." I thought with my confusion meter going up the roof "How can these people eat this fast?"

"Your not going to be watching anything" Bakugo said looking at Kirishima.

"Huh?" Kirishima said looking genuinely confused.

"Your going to sleep as well it's literally a fucking hour before midnight"

"Noo... I want to watch movies with the others" Kirishima whined as he got dragged upstairs to the guest bedroom by Bakugo.

"Well that's too fucking bad" he said as they disappeared into the second floor.

"I mean my gaydar is beeping but whatever" I thought as sat down on the sofa snagging a blanket and giving Momo a blanket.

The movie started playing and the marvel intro came in followed by the title 'Deadpool'. I smirked a bit.

"Iida is not gonna like this"


The movie finally ended, it was 12:00 am or something by now.

"Well that was a good movie" Denki laughed.

"Did we really have to watch something with that much swearing? There was even an R- rating in the beginning!"
Mina, Denki and Jirou started laughing.

"I agree with Iida, it had way to much swearing" Momo said snuggling deeper into her blanket.

"Well it's midnight, we should get sleep" Iida said adjusting his glasses.

"Can't we watch another movie?" Mina asked.

"No, it's far to late" Iida said sternly.

"Fineeee" Mina whined and clicked off the movie.

"Ahh~" A moan came from upstairs, guess my gaydar was right.

I froze, they froze, Iida's glasses broke. Kirishima and Bakugo were most likely 'doing things' up there, especially when they were the only two up there.

And we hadn't even noticed due to the constant bullet sounds, shouting and action packed scenes from Deadpool.

"Um... maybe we should watch another movie?" Uraraka said and put on Deadpool 2.

And that is how we ended up watching movies till we all fell asleep.


Thank you for reading this chapter, please vote and follow me.

I fixed some errors in the last few chapters so sorry for those,

A shout out to _LightBlueSky_ for liking all my chapters


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