Chapter 19 Backstory~ 2

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"Why do your classmates act like that? I'm sure that you could easily become anything"

I frowned again, this time more salty.

"Then why can't I be a hero?" I thought tears reforming in the corners of my eyes.

"Quirkless" I whispered softly.


"I'm quirkless" I said as I looked at her dead in the eye.

"And?" She said and raised an eyebrow, my eyes widened at her reaction. She wasn't lying either, I could tell by the look in her eyes.

"Well my classmates think otherwise"

"What do you want to be?" she asked slowly.

"I wanted to be a hero" I thought "The best in the world" but I knew that I would never be one, I knew that very well.

"A police officer" I lied.

"Well, I believe you could be one, your definitely smart enough all you need to do is train yourself more"

I blinked back the tears which had accumulated in my eyes.

"Sure.." I mumbled sarcastically. By now I felt broken, like it would take too much time to heal.

"Hey, I ain't lying"

I looked at my lap and sighed again.

"Even if that did happen it barely fixes any of my problems"

" said you needed a sidejob right?"


"Well I happen to be working at a certain household , they have a young daughter your age and she needs a bodyguard, the pay is good and the house is not far from here"


"If your interested.." she handed my book back to me "I could tell them about you"

She stood up from the bench and walked away. I was a bit shocked, but I looked back at the book and noticed  a little piece of paper was sticking out. I flipped the pages till it reached it curiously,

There was a card with with printed words saying in italic "THE YAOYOROZU HOUSEHOLD" followed by a list of names and numbers. Next to the card there was a note saying "If your interested, my name is Handa, though you might have to exercise a bit more if you want to apply"

I looked at the card again and took it out of the book.

"Handa..?" I mused as my finger traced across the list of names on the card. My finger stopped at Michima Handa .

A smile came one my face, I looked away from the card. The sky had turned into a indigo and black hue. It was night and the crescent moon shone giving light to all there.

I stood up, I had to go quick I didn't want Mama to worry about me. But strangely enough, I wasn't the least worried, I felt good and content. It had been a while since I had that feeling...

I walked to my house, the blue moon shining, the trees had purple and blue leaves and there was a bicycle stand nearby. I walked with the smell of wet grass filling my nose, the sound of gravel crunching beneath my shoes filling my ears and a wide smile filling my face.

"Maybe things might work out for me after all"


Thank you for reading this chapter, the bold italic is for thoughts and will only be like that for this chapter. Bye<3

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