Chapter 16 and straight

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Izuku pov and swearing

Normally, I'm a very non-violent person, but just because I rarely got angry or that the last time I beat someone up due to pure anger was never, didn't mean I couldn't.
And this Bakubitch was about to realize that right no-

"STOP!!" Mina yelled "Stop it!" she said again "This is my house, and this is a slumber party, we're supposed to have fun, not beat the shit out of eachother!"

I found myself, eyes widened with guilt and my fist loosing up.

"I'm sorry," I said to Mina immediately guilty. I saw that Bakugo was feeling a bit guilty too now.

"It's fine" Mina said, "Just don't try to beat eachother's asses again.. "

I nodded and said "okay"

"Bakugo?" Mina said nervously.

"Tch... fine whatever"

"Yay!" Suddenly Mina's cheerful attitude was back at it.

"Okay now as I was saying"

"Is she serious? She was so sad a minute ago... Talk about mood swings.." I thought.

"I decided that we'll play spin the bottle!"

"Yes!, best game ever!!" Denki said excitedly.

"Now I'm really happy we didn't let Mineta come" Jirou smiled.

"Yeah" Tsu said.

"Uh, where's Iida? Honestly, I thought he'd be telling me how inappropriate spin the bottle is" Mina said looking around "Actually he didn't try to stop the fight either!"

"I think he fell asleep" Todoroki said.

"Where? He can't be left out!"

"I think he's sleeping in the guest room" Tsu croaked.

"Wait... Where's Uraraka?"

Mina looked at me, then Todoroki and then Tsu and back at me.
And I'm that final glance we shared, I knew, that she knew, that we were both thinking the same thing.


We all peeked inside and sure enough, there was Iida with Uraraka in his arms, they both were asleep.

"Aww" Mina squealed as she began taking photos.

"Is it okay to take those?" Momo said.

"I'm sure it's fine," Mina said stealing a couple more shots.

"Aren't we supposed to wake them up?" Jirou asked.

"Oh right," Mina then started to gently shake them both till they started stirring in their sleep.

Iida was the first to open his eyes, he yawned. On hearing that Uraraka also opened her eyes, they both lifted their heads and looked at eachother at the same time for a split second before jumping of eachother both red as tomatoes.

"W-what?" Uraraka stammered.

"Well you two looked like you were having fun" Denki said smirking.

"I-I.. My apologizes Uraraka-kun.. That was very inappropriate behaviour from me, but I don't quite remember how we got into that... p-position.." Iida said putting on his glasses.

"Neither do i.. " Uraraka mumbled loud enough for us to here.

"You two probably just were tired and fell asleep," Momo said trying to get rid and sort of lewd thoughts.

"...Hugging eachother" Mina said grinning.

"Seriously?" Momo whined.

"What?~" Mina said innocently.

Todoroki sighed, I could tell he hated listening to Bakugo's whining as much as I did.


"If you're so bored, then why don't you join them, or will you get bored with that, too?" Todoroki muttered under his breath just loud enough for me to hear.
I snorted and covered my mouth, trying my best not to laugh.
He realized what he just said and smiled softly.
I felt my cheeks burn up a bit and quickly remembered what Todoroki had just said, and I started smiling again.

Soon enough Todoroki had to cover this face slightly, stifling a laugh while I was smiling like an idiot.

Momo noticed me smiling weird and raised a brow, I relaxed my smile and shrugged my shoulders, saying in body movement,



We all sat in a circle on the living room floor,

"I still can't believe we are playing such an inappropriate game" Iida said shaking his head.

"I still can't believe that you were sleeping with Uraraka" Mina said smirking.

Iida blushed and kept quiet.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Mina said setting down the bottle to the centre.

Almost everyone nodded, some stayed white, I was guessing that they were praying to get their crush, or just nervous.

It spun till it reached Jirou, I glanced at the other side and Tsu was sitting there still looking at the bottle before realizing that she had to kiss Jirou.
Jirou sighed "Let's get this over with"

Tsu groaned and they gave eachother a quick peck on the lips.

I looked over to Momo who didn't look the happiest. She looked at me and I gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back. But what I didn't know is that Mina had already rolled the bottle again,
I quickly looked back at the bottle as it spun and spun till it stopped!

I almost choked on my salvia. I looked on the other side and there was Todoroki, he looked at the bottle then at me and then back at the bottle, and of course, HE HAD TO LOOK SO FREAKING CUTE WHILE DOING THAT TOO.

At the moment I was battling my blush, I was 5 seconds away from losing.

"Um maybe I shouldn't cause I ain't a classmate and this isn't appropriate behaviour as a bodyguard and um..."
I had run out of reasons, but it should be fine, after all, two reasons should be enough.. right?..

"Nope" Mina said "Rules are rules, you have to kiss him"

Thank you for reading this chapter! Please vote and follow me!

And sorry I posted late but this is a 1000 words chapter and I haven't been getting enough time on my hands lately.

My schedule is 200 words every day, but on Sundays and Mondays I work on bigger and hopefully better chapters

Hope I see you in the next chapter!


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