Chapter 24 Pancakes

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"Oh no..." I thought. None of us knew how to cook, well, I know how to make pancakes and katsudon but I'm not very confident in my cooking skills.

Momo sighed, "Well, what should we do? I believe we can't order because it's Sunday. Also I do not think that any food ordering sites are available right now"

"Well obviously none of us know how to cook, and if we can't order, what will we eat?" Jirou said.

"Maybe we should ask Mina?" Uraraka suggested.

"I asked Mina yesterday, she said that we could order... " Iida sighed.

I groaned, I don't think I have a choice, there's no way I'm letting them starve, not to mention, I have to make sure is Momo is okay, so that means no skipping breakfast.

I raised my hand, "I think I can make pancakes"


I flipped the third pancake over as I calculated how many I would have to make.

"There's 13 of us... three pancakes each so thats 3 multiplied by 13 so.. 39 PANCAKES?! Do I even have enough batter for that many? No, no, I don't."

There was only 7 eggs and a little milk, so I could only make enough batter for 16, which is definitely not enough as I needed to make 39.
Actually scratch that, 26, 2 pancakes for everybody or I'd have to get my hands on 19 eggs and 2 cartoons in milk.

"I'm going to have to ask Mina to but some milk and eggs" I thought as Mina was probably knew this place the best.

Just as I was about to call Momo so I could ask whether Mina was awake yet 2 zombies grumbled into the kitchen,
Oh wait I apologize, they weren't zombies, they just resembled them strangely.

"Um... Hello" I said awkwardly.

The 2 looked at me and stepped a bit closer, they stopped and began to sniff the air.
By the time they were done, they each had wide grins on their faces, the duo quickly scurried to my side where the pancakes were being made now looking like energetic 12 year olds.

"DUDE, are those pancakes?!" Denki said drooling a bit.

"Mmhm" I nodded moving the batter so he wouldn't get his salvia in the batter by accident.

"Wow~~, That smells so good!" Mina said inhaling the smell as if it was her life source.

"Thank you" I said and smiled a bit. "Oh, and Mina?"


"Can you buy a few eggs and a carton of milk, I don't have enough batter for the pancakes"

"Oh sure, let me just change first"


Thank you for reading this chapter, please vote and follow me

That sick day helped me revive my wrists and brain cells.
And I'm fine now, my temperature is still a bit high and I still have a runny nose but that won't stop me from writing.

And yes I did change my profile up a bit (quite a lot) but i hope you like it! :D


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