Chapter 23 whats for breakfast?

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I looked back at Todoroki... I couldn't resist smiling. He looked so cute and beautif- SORRY NOT THE POINT!

I slipped his hand off my shoulder, but he was still firmly holding onto my waist. I squirmed a little bit but he still didn't let go of me.

I then gently took his hand off my hip, his arm immediately fell as the support of my body went. He stirred a bit in his sleep bit went back to normal.
But this time without a smile.

"I should've taken a photo" I thought bit dismissed that thought as it isn't okay to take photo's of someone without their permission.

I looked at the others, which I thought were asleep and my eyes bulged out of my face.

Infront of me was Uraraka and Momo smirking, Iida and Jirou were playing chess and the others were still asleep.

My mouth opened to say something but closed.

"Mind explaining why you were cuddling with Todoroki?" Momo and Uraraka looked at me with a smile on their faces.

"Uh, mind explaining why Momo were sleeping on Jirou's lap last night, and why Uraraka was cuddling on the bed with Iida" said half in defence in realistically.

Momo and Uraraka turned red, and from the corner of my eye I could see Iida and Jirou flush up too.

"Well.. Izuku you do have a point but how did you sleep with Todoroki in the finale?"
(What she's trying to day is "How did you end up sleeping with Todoroki")

My face reddened. "Please don't say it like that it sounds very.. "

"O-oh sorry Izuku" she cleared her throat and said.

I sighed and looked away.

"Just... please don't tell anyone.. It's going to be too embarrassing" I said covering my mouth.

"Okay I understand that would be embarrassing" Uraraka giggled. I gave her a crooked smile.

I looked at Iida and Jirou.
"Please don't tell anyone"

"As class president it is my duty to set a good example to my classmates and obey your wish. I will not tell anyone without your consent" Iida said doing some hand signs.

I smiled at that.

"Only if you don't tell anyone that I let Momo sleep on my lap" Jirou said blushing.

I smiled harder at that.

I nodded my head a bit, "Thank you" I said sighing in relief.

"Your welcome" Momo said.

"Uh, now that's figured out, who's going to make breakfast?"


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