The other doppleganger (a vampire diaries fanfiction.)

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Okay so imagine that after Elena is driven off the bridge with Matt that she died. She died and didn't come back. It turns out that in the past there was actually two Patrova sisters. One of them Katherine. The other an unknown mystery. She was exactly a year younger than Katherine. She made the mistake for falling for the mysterious Klaus. After he turned she realized she was with child. When Klaus's mother found out she was outraged. She cast a spell killing the girl. From this day forth no vampire can have a child. There is an exception however, the new line of doppelgangers that was born. She can have a vampire child. But there is one more catch. She can fight back.

Oh and I do not own any characters from the vampire diaries. Thak Ya

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now