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The cool air prickled my skin as I lie bare under the covers. My hair feel in loose tangled knotts around my face and my pale back peaked out from under the covers. Beside me lay Damon. He surely thinks I'm asleep. I kept my breathing steady and my heart rate slow. I knew if he just as much as brushed my skin, my heart rate and breath would pick up, there was no doubt in my mind. He would notice that. Never had I laid in a bed with someone as vulnerable as I was now. He could do whatever he wanted to. He could take advantage of me. But for some reason he hadn't after all he had done to me, he couldn't lay a hand on me. That's a shock. I'm not going to tell you what we did or how we did it, but I will say Damon is one hell of an animal in bed. And maybe just maybe an animal is all I would need. For I truely know an animal, the exact animal laying with me loved me. Regardless of who and what we were. He loved me. And I loved him. I wanted to be with him forever.

And forever is what we gave me.


6 years later-

"Momma! Momma!" Andrea sprinted down the hall her little feet padding along the hardwood floor, her red locks flowing behind her. Andrea dropped her backpack against the floor with a light thud.

"Hey sweetie, how was school." I let ,my hand out offering it to her.

She lightly wraps her hand around my fingers, her hands not large enough to grasp the whole hand, "Great, I'm hungry can I get a snack."

I walk over to the freezer, "Warm or cold sweetie?"

"Warm, it's gross when it's cold."

I shake my head and get out a blood blag, I poor it into a coffee mug large enough to hold the entire bag. Andrea rushes off to her room to play with barbies or whatever a 6 year old hybrid does.

I fiddled with the daylight ring on my left finger, the small diamond sparkling up at me. A smile cracked on my face. After Damon and I's first night together. I got sick. Morning sickness. 7 days later I gave birth to Andrea. As it turns out like Elena my blood contained the key to creating hybrids, but just in a different way. I am the only female able to give birth to a vampire hybrid. Andrea will age at the rate of a normal girl until she turns 16 which is when she will age about a year every ten years. She can survive mostly on human food but she still needs to drink about a blood bag a day to keep the hunger under control.

However bearing a vampire child was too much for my body. I was dying little by little, until on the day that she came. In order for me to live Damon turned me. He didn't really ask if I was fine with it or not but he just did. I woke up a day later a vampire with Damon next to me with Andrea in his arms.

The way he looked at her proved he loved her. From that moment on I knew I wanted to live at his side regardless of being a vampire. He cared for me in a way no one, not even Jeremy could. Andrea brought us together and helped us realize our love in a way I never thought I could.

Once Klaus heard about me he tried to take me away from Damon, but he soon realized I was vampire. Taking away by powers. He was wrong. With my human powers and my new powers I was invincible. He gave up once he realized he was no match for my strength.

Rosaline, turned out to be the one that killed Jeremy. When she found out about Andrea she came after us. But with my strength and our friends we defeated her.

After we killed Rose me and Damon moved away from Mystic Falls,trying to avoid any attention from the town council. Now we live in a small town in California called Sunnydale. After Andrea turned one Stefan watched Andrea and Damon took me out to dinner. We both dressed up in nice clothes him in a suit (something I've only seen twice). That night he got down on one knee and proposed to me in front of the entire restaurant, saying he wanted to spend forever with me, literally. Three months later we got married. Only some of our closest friends attended. Stefan was Damon's best man and Caroline was my made of honor. It was gorgeous, out in the sun on the beach. I wore a knee length white sundress and he wore a tux.

Stefan visits when he can, him and Caroline are really the only two that keep in touch. But I really don't mind.

I hear the door open and in walk Damon he stride over with a smirk on his face, his eyes filled with life. He rushes over and wraps his arms gently around me. He places a light kiss on my lips and moves to my stomach. He places his hands lightly on my belly. The moment his hand touches me a light kick presses against my skin, "How are you two?"

I smile, "Great," I hear the ding of the microwave, "Can you take that to Andrea?"

He smiles, "Of course."

Damon grabs the coffee mug and heads down the hall to Andrea's room. I take small steps following him. I turn and look at the door across from Andrea's. I pull it open and observe the soft pink decorations. I smile at the crib with a small teddy bear lying inside it.

I feel Damon's arms warp lightly around, he asks me in a soft tone leaning his chin on my shoulder, "Are you happy?"

I smile to myself, "Of course I have you. Andrea. And soon.... " I think, of a name something that means something to me, "Elena."

Damon smirks spinning me to face him, "I like it."

He places a kiss against my lips. Satisfaction and happiness floods over me. I have everything I could ever want.

A family.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now