Chapter 10

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Dream Sequence:

I was wearing a emerald green gown that looked like it was from several centuries ago. I walk out of my little house and into a village I instantly see a group of boys sword fighting with a blond girl my age at there side. I walk over to the boys in a Skippy manor when I get close enough I notice all of them have amazing delicate features. Then a man with long hair turns to face me. When I see his face I recognize him as Klaus. When he sees me he runs up to me and engulfs me in a huge hug, "Juliet," and then he lightly placed a kiss on my hand as if he were afraid to kiss me.


I woke up in a cold sweat. I looks around and realize I'm still in Jeremy's arms. I see that it's morning. I freak out when I realize Jeremy has to be at school and Damon will be here any minute. If he sees us I will never live this down. I frantically pound on Jeremy's hard chest to wake him up. He opens. His eyes slowly when and smiles when he sees me. I yell, "Jeremy you have school!"

He looks around freaked out, "shoot!"

I shove him off and start to hurry him out the door. He is about to leave when he turns to face me. He smiles and leans down applying a warm kiss on my lips. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. However I am interrupted when I here a whistle. I look behind Jeremy and see Damon leaning against a pillar on my porch with his arms crossed and a wide smirk on his face. "Try not to swallow each other. Looks like our little Kitty finally had the balls to make a move."

I push Jeremy out the door and slam it in Damon's face. Damon yells, "What was that for?"

I hated him. He was always running around and ruining everything. I hate him. I feel tear stream down my cheeks. Why did he have to be such a jerk. Why couldn't he be nice like Stefan. I look up and see him inside. I glare daggers at him and look back down, placing my face back in my hands. "Whats wrong Kitty?"

He asks as he moves my hands and looks into my eyes. Seeing the tears he tries to wipe one away. I swat his hand away, and my tears double. "Damon, your what's wrong."

He looks at me in confusion, "I'm wrong?"

"Why do you go around, ruining everything. Why can't you be more like Stefan?"

He looks at me appalled and his face soon turns to cold hate, "I'm not Stefan. I don't care. I kill people. I killed Rose!" 

My eyes widen, "I killed her when I turned. I ate her and I didn't care."

I try to move away from him but I can't move, "And I want to kill you so bad right now."

And I see his eyes turn to those of a vampires and fangs pop out of his mouth. He leans towards me and makes it so I can't move. I'm cornered with no were to go. Then I see him lean in to bite my neck. I feel his lips touch my neck and I wait for the pain but it never came. 

He leans away to look at me and I see a single tear fall and he says, "But if I killed you I would never forgive myself."

He moves away from me and as he begins to move I open the door to my home and run.


I run at a pace no vampire nor human could ever match. I knew Damon was probably tracking me at this very moment. And I don't even know if I wanted to run from him I just needed out. I needed to not be cooped up for just a little while. I only had one place in mind. Klaus.


Authors Notes:

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The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now