Chapter 1

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I blinked myself awake as my mom began to shake me, “Kitty. We’re home.”

I pull my tired face up and force myself to look straight ahead standing before me was the home I had lived in from the day I was born to about two years ago.

You see my dad used to be a professor at the local community college teaching local history. If you had a question about Mystic Falls he was the person to ask. However he had these theories about how there was ‘monsters’ roaming the town. Nobody believed him and everyone thought he was crazy. And one day when he was on one of his crazy expeditions and he never came back. I think he’s either dead in a ditch somewhere or he’s fucking some other woman. Pardon my French. So when he disappeared, my mom took over her family’s company that sells dog food, sweet right. Now that she’s gotten everything in order up there we decided to move back to Mystic Falls two years later.

In the past year or so I haven’t heard from anyone. Elena used to text or IM me nonstop messaging me about advice. What I managed to gather was that her and Matt broke up then she managed to get herself into a love triangle. Typical Elena. I’m a year younger than Elena and the gang so I’m the same age as Jeremy. I was closest to Elena and Jeremy but I was also really close with Bonnie and Caroline. Matt and I got along pretty well but we never made plans to hang out outside school. And then there was me and Tyler. Trust me there was nothing romantic there, but both our families went really far back to the founding families along with several of our other friends. But our families were really close. What was funny is once we got older our parents kept trying to set us up with one another. We played along to appease our families but we never dated.

But this place it felt different now. It was fall and the town looked darker than usual. The town was always filled with fog. But the air felt thick and stiff, it might have been that I wasn’t used to it but everything felt darker. I picked my bag out from beneath my feet. I stood up and walked over to my front door as my mom opened the door. Apparently the moving guys had put everything back except for the clothes and personal belongings, which were in the rooms they belonged in. I climbed the staircase and walked down the hallway to my room. My house and the Lockwood mansion were the biggest houses in the town. For a family of three I never saw the need for such a large amount of space, but my mother was known, much like the Lockwood’s, for throwing huge extravagant parties; so I wouldn’t say the home went to a complete waste.

I pushed the door to my room open and took in the familiar setting. I had a simple room; crème walls a green bedspread, along with oak furniture. My bead was the canopy kind with a sheer green fabric that hung from it, and if I really wanted to I could make come down to cover the bed, though there wasn’t a real purpose for it. I pulled out my phone and checked the time, 4:30 on a Friday. I had time before I dinner and a shower. I was going to try and call Elena tonight but lately she hadn’t been answering. I put my phone in my back pocket.

I pulled my curly red hair into a ponytail to get it out of my face. And began to rummage through the boxes. I picked up the box labeled ‘Kitty pants’ and began to throw things out. Once the box was empty I started to pile sort the pants out. Shorts, jeans, comfy pants, you get the drift. I picked up the pile of shorts when I feel a buzz in my back pocket. I look at the screen.

“Hey Kitty, I heard you were back in town was wondering if you wanted to catch up?”


I smiled down at the screen, as I replied,

“Yeah sure when?”


“Is tonight at the Boarding house okay?”


I run out of the room, to the balcony of the staircase and yell, “Hey mom can I go hang out with Jeremy tonight?”

I see her peek her head out to see me; she smiles up at me, “Yeah sure sweetie, go ahead and go now.”

I smirk and look back down at my phone as I reply,

“Yeah that’s good see you then”


I smile and run to my room to change out of my traveling clothes and into something regular. I was finally going to get a chance to see one of my closest friends again.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now