Chapter 9

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Author's note:

Okay so... I really have no idea who Kitty should end up with. Yeah I know I'm a loser. I just honestly have no idea. So if you guys would please message me or comment or somehow tell me who she should be with it would just make my day. But anyway I know you guys are probably wanting to read so enjoy!


Me and Matt have gotten really close when he moved back. I honestly just was glad everyone remembered me. Not exactly everyone. Klaus. The one word that always manages to ruin my day. He refuses to leave me alone and I can't leave the house without almost being kidnapped. So I guess that means no school so yeah! And you are probably wondering how my mom would let me skip school. The truth is she is out for like the next 3 months on some big trip to L.A. And that means I have all day to do just about a big chunk of nothingness. Well, I do have Damon. He stays at my house during school hours and leaves when one of my friends come over. There have been a few times he stuck around. And you guessed it right. The few times he stuck around were when one of the girls was staying the night. I swear, Damon likes gossip way more than I ever have.

Right now it's during school hours and I am watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer on Netflix.

The only real reason I am watching it is because Damon says it is 'educational'. Which is code for he think the girl that plays Buffy is hot.

I was actually a big fan of the show. I can't help thinking why can't real vampire be as awesome and epic as Spike and Angel. I honestly had a little crush on both if them. Damon was sitting down beside me and by every minute he was moving closer to me. So this is how a vampire makes a move it is actually kind if lame. Sure Damon was hot but geeze can't he be creative. Subtle scooching never gets anyone anywhere. He moved just a tad closer and he tried to casually lean his arm behind his back. I stand up and walk away from him leaving him on the couch with his mouth open, annoyed.

I climbed up the stairs to my room and when I enter I yank my guitar into my lap. I begin strumming random cords. And of course a few seconds later Damon walks in and doesn't even look at me.

And of course Damon being Damon he had to start going through my drawers and before I can stop him he opens my pajama drawer and pulls out a nightgown my mom had gotten me. It was a pink silk with black lace details. I have no idea why the hell she decides to get it for me but she had and believe me I hated it. It looked like something off a Victoria secrets poster.

And of course Damon holds it up and asks,"why do you never wear this?"

"Because I like the feeling of being fully clothed."

He puts it back and I trudge out of my room with him on my tail. Halfway down the stairs I turn around and look at Damon, "What is with you constantly stalking me??"

"Maybe I find it fun."

"You are way to stalker like for it to simply be 'fun'."

"Maybe I just don't want you to get hurt.

The most dangerous thing in my room is my stuffed bear."

"You have a stuffed bear?"

"Stop trying to change the subject."

"Alright I won't leave you alone because...."


He whispers in my ear, "That's for me to know and for you to figure out."

I roll my eyes and sigh, he is so annoying.


Okay so right about now Jeremy is in the bathroom. We were having a movie marathon. Right now we were watching, 'Pitch Perfect'. Honestly I had never seen the movie before but Jeremy said I would like it so here we are. He was staying the night because everyone has skipped out on us so it as just the 2 of us. Not that I had much of a problem with hanging out with my best friend for the night. And of course no sleepover is complete without pajamas. I was wearing a tank top with Grump the care bear on it with matching short shorts. Jeremy had on a white v-neck and a pair of black sweatpants.

Jeremy walked out of the bathroom and walked I'm the kitchen to make so popcorn. I casually walked in next to him and Leaned up against the counter. He threw the popcorn in and we had to wait. He started up a conversation, "so what's it like having to deal with Damon every day?"

"Well, he is decent at training me but it is kind weird having a vampire watch me a the time."

"Damon is something else isn't he?"

I laugh, "I think that is a bit of an understatement."

"Hey, you don't live with him."

I smile as he opens the popcorn and we begin to settle down in my couch. I guess if we were dating you could say we were cuddling but that was so not us. I mean sure I think I liked him but I don't think he likes me like that. But sometimes I question that like when we almost kissed in my room. 

Anyway the movie begins to starts and I feel Jeremy's eyes on me as I toss a piece of popcorn into my mouth. He then begins to play with a strand of my curly red hair. I giggle when he brings the strand up to his nose and inhales. He says, "Your hair smells like strawberries."

I laugh, "Okay?"

"I like strawberries."

I laugh and get up. I walk to the fridge and get out a bowl filled with perfectly ripe  strawberries. I walk back to Jeremy and plop the strawberries on his lap and turn my attention back to the movie.

Ten minutes later he wraps his arm around my back and pulls me closer to him till I'm sure we looked a lot like a couple. He then puts his chin on my head and I lean into his chest. I soon fall into his line of breaths and I remember why I  dated him. In a moment like this he was my dream guy. Never taking anything to far but still showing large doses of affection. Then Jeremy moves the popcorn bowl. He then moves the strawberries. Then finally he stops the movie. I turn to him and pout. "Why'd you turn it off?"

"So I could do this."

And in that moment he began to lean in. We were inches apart. then his warm lips collide with mine. I deepen the kiss and move out of his arms and I begin to run my hands through his hair. He pulled his hands to my face and in a few seconds I  pulled away. I looked into his eyes and smile, "Thanks for pausing the movie."

"No problem," and he pressed play as I cuddled back with him.

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now