Chapter 7

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I awoke to the feeling if arms being wrapped around me. I open my eyes slowly and see Klaus staring down at me. He leans down and I know what he is going to do. He going to plant one on me. Ewww. I instantly see images flash before my eyes. Time to kick some pervy vampire butt. I knew him in the stomach and kick him off me. I stand up and kick Klaus again as he groans in pain. I walk over to Piper with Klaus still on the ground. She closes her eyes and mutters a few words in some sort of witchy language. Then she opens her eye and looks at me in shock, "my powers why won't they work?!?!"

I grab her by her short hair and yell "put the barrier down."

She struggles until finally I see Matt run to my side without being stopped. When he gets to my side I wrap my arms around his neck and he picks me off the ground twirling me. Matt and me had been close and I hadn't had a chance to see him when I moved back. All of the others ran to us and Damon tried to pull me off him as he said, "we have to move he won't be down for long."

I look up to face him and Stefan asked, "where do we go? He's been invited in almost everywhere else."

I look up and mutter, "nobody has been to my house yet,"

They all nod and we begin the journey to my house. However when we get to my house Klaus is standing on the lawn nose bloodied. Guess whatever they did to me have me some serious macho man strength. Oh yeah!

Everyone crowds closer together and Jeremy puts his hand in mine for comfort. I take it and enter twine our fingers. I really did miss him. At one point I think I even loved him.

Klaus speaks up as he wipes his still bleeding nose, "Give her here."

I raise my hand,"Um, if I can put in my own input. I don't really like him." I say crinkling my nose.

Klaus's eyes flare with anger. I push myself in front of everyone and ask, "Do you really want this fight right now?" 

He snarls and runs off in the opposite direction. I head over to my house which was an older two layer house. My room was actually an addition to the house. I go onto my font porch and get the key from under the Matt. Before I step in I look around. On the porch we had a cute porch swing that my dad used to sit on with me at his side as he told me about all the history of Mystic Falls. I push open the door and step into my ever to modern decorated living room however when I am about to close the door, I see Damon, Stefan, Tyler, and Caroline standing outside, I look at them confused, "What are you guys doing?"

Tyler rubs the back of his neck, "Ummm you have to invite us in."

"Oh! Caroline, Tyler, and Stefan come on in.

They all smile and walk in and Damon gives me a harsh look, "Funny."

I smirk as I lean against the door frame and reply, "Very."

He lets out a small chuckle, that (I'm sorry) I found very attractive. "What do I have to do to get in."

I shrug, "I don't know I just find this very amusing."

He rolls his eyes and proceeds to ask, "Well.... I could as please, I could talk to you about whatever you want." Then he whispers, I may even through a kiss in there."

I laugh and cover my face with my hands to hide my scarlet blush. I take a step out and close the door. I still am hiding my face and we sit on the porch swing. He takes my hands and moves them out of the way and simply says, "Cute."

I slap his hands away from mine. I walk back over to the door and mumble quietly, "You can come in."


 I was sitting my room with Jeremy at my side. For the past hour I had been talking to Jeremy. My room had a black and whit parsley design. I had a black chandelier. I also had black wooden floors. My headboard was a green and my bedspread was a pink. I liked my room my favorite parts of it were my keyboard and acoustic guitar. I had loved them so much when I was in my old home but now they hardly seemed real. Not with everything that had been changing. Jeremy spoke up, "Kitty?"

I nod signaling I was listening, "With everything that happened I remembered something,"

"And that is?"

He takes my hand, "This. Us. I missed you so much."

I wrap my arms around his neck in a tight hug. I had missed him, heck that was an understatement.

I pull back and he draws his thumb across my cheek all the way to my lips. I let out a small giggle when they reach my lips. I feel my cheeks turn a deep scarlet and I turn away. He makes me turn to face him. When I look into his eyes I see he  is staring at me. Then he slowly leans in. Then just as our lips brush each other the door bursts open and I fall onto the floor. I walks Caroline and she giggles, "Oops, anyway Jeremy it's girl time so scooch."

I laugh at her forwardness and Jeremy heads out and Bonnie walks in. Great. I always loved girl time. 

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now