Chapter 13

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Authors Notes:

this is for all of you Kamon shippers. I hope you enjoy!


Great a surprise party. Please note my sarcasm.

I walk in and look around noticing who is around. Matt, Jeremy, Caroline, and Bonnie are in the kitchen. I look around and notice Damon in a corner with a glass of bourbon in hand. I skip over to all of my friends with Stefan at my tail. I make sure to avoid Damon’s eyes as I walk into the kitchen. And notice a huge cake and a bunch of presents sitting in the middle of the table I yell, “CAKE!!!”

They all laugh hysterically at my enthusiasm as Stefan begins to cut the cake. Of course the cake was Chocolate. I love chocolate. We all dig into our cake as I hear the doorbell ring. I say, “I’ll get it” as I shovel the rest of the cake into my mouth.

I run to the door and yank it open to see none other than Klaus and Rebeka. I give Klaus a dirty look and get ready to slam the door in their faces when, Jeremy walks up, clearly not seeing them, “Hey, Kitty what’s taking you so long?” And then he sees them. “You weren’t invited.”

Klaus smiles at me revealing his ever so cute dimples, “Yes, but I wanted to drop by and say happy birthday do my dear Kitty.”

I hear Caroline make a gagging noise followed by Tyler’s laugh. I roll my eyes and open the door to let them in. I mean they were going get in anyway so why not. I mean maybe I’ll get another gift out of it.

I stroll into the kitchen and look at the HUGE pile of gifts lying before me. Now including a box from Rebeka. 

I rub my hands together and choose my first gift I look down and see it's from Caroline. I rip open the paper and look down at what the box enclosed. Inside was lying a certificate for a day at the spa. I look at her and squeal, "Thank You!" 

Then she reaches into her pocket and pulls out another certificate, "A day at the spa for both of us!"

Then we jumped up and down and screamed for a few seconds and calmed down. 

I sit down and pick up the next gift from, Jeremy. I threw out the tissue paper and see the most gorgeous thing ever. Lying before me was an amazing banjo. Don't laugh. I think I loved it so much because when my dad was around he would get me a new instrument every year and my mom hadn't kept the tradition. 

Next was Matt and Tyler. They got me the Mortal Instruments series along with the prequel series Clockwork Angels. I practically hugged them to death I have only ever read the first one and had been begging for the second.

Next was Bonnie she got me a 50 dollar itunes card. She smiles when she sees my cheesy grin, "I knew that that is all you wanted for gifts in the past soooooo."

Next up was Stefan. He hands me a small bracelet and I smile when I see it. It's a gorgeous charm bracelet with a red heart. However I smell a sent leave the bracelet to put it on. I had a guess at what it was but didn't want to make a move knowing Klaus was here. 

Rebekah handed me a big bag and shoves it at me. I look inside and see the most amazing creation ever cherry red converse. I look at her with my jaw dropped. a=And she burst into a light laughter at my facial expressions. 


I know that Klaus and Damon didn't get me anything but hey, I was still pretty happy. I was now in my room listening to my new CD courtesy of Bonnie. Then out of no were there is a loud banging on my window. I run over to it and see Damon smiling up at me. I give him a dirty look as he jumps up to my window and enters.

"What do you want Damon?"

He then pulls a half empty bottle of some sort of strong alcohol out from behind his back. He then takes a HUGE swig and looks back at me, "What do I want? What do I want?!"

"I recall asking that question."

"I want. I want Rose. I want Kathrine. I want Elena. I want..."

I give another dirty look and cross my arms across my chest. He then takes another huge swig and sets down the bottle on my nightstand. "Kitty."

I nod and reply, "I'm pretty sure that's my name."


I give him an odd look, 

"I want Kitty, I want you."

I roll my eyes for like the 7th time, "Damon I don't have time for this."


"I said I don't have to time for this."

"Don't have time for what?! Me!"

I reach my hand out to touch his shoulder, "Damon your drunk, I just want to go to sleep."

His eyes fill with fire. He then rips off the bracelet Stefan gave me, and wraps his hands tightly around my neck, as his pupils dilate, "You will listen to me."

I nod even though I know it's compulsion, something that has never effected me.

"Kitty... I want YOU."

"You've already said that."

He screams and tosses one of the books lying on my bed across my room, "You don't get it!!"

My eyes widen and I suddenly feel fear reach every part of me. Soon a tear falls down my cheek, "Damon please.."I plead

He looks me in the eye and pulls my face right in front of me, leaving us inches apart.

"KITTY! Get this through your thick skull I LOVE YOU!"

The Other Doppelganger (A Vampire Diaries Fanfiction.) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now